Mood Swings Pt. 6

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Chris POV (a week later)

I turned over in bed and it was empty. I heard the shower running, Mani was getting ready for class.

I sat up and was scrolling through my phone when the bathroom door opened. Mani walked out wrapped in a towel. I watched as she dropped the towel and got dressed in a white t-shirt and hoodie, blue jeans with some black and white Vans.

She sat at my mirror and brushed her hair in a ponytail, then got up and sat next to me.

"Good morning." she smile.

I smile back and kiss her neck. "Morning, you wanna go get some food before school."

"Nah we got leftover spaghetti in the fridge from what I made last night. I'll eat that."

"Aight." I nod. "What class you got today."

"US History." she look down. I recognize that look, something about that class bothering her.

"Baby... Is there anything you need to tell me? You know you can talk to me about anything."

She shake her head. I pull her into a hug then kiss her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too." she look up at me and smile.

"I would kiss you but I ain't brush my teeth yet."

"Shit breath." she say, I smacked my teeth and she laughed.

"You driving."

"Yeah but will you come pick me up."

"Yeah I gotchu." I say.

She walk over and hug me tight, then kiss my cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too."


I had been waiting outside for 45 minutes and she ain't come outside. I been blowing up her phone the whole time and nothing. I was pissed but worried too, I couldn't see nobody inside and she was ignoring me.

Finally somebody called my phone. "Hello?"

"Chris this Adeya, you gotta come to the dorm right now."

"What? Why?"

"Just come on, and hurry." she say.

I walk in the dorm and Kemani sitting on the bed staring at the floor. I could tell she been crying her eyes out, her face red. "Hey baby." she force a smile for me.

I sit beside her then pull her into a hug. I kiss her forehead and sigh, "You ready to tell me the truth."

She pull back and start crying again. She point to her panties and look at me. I frowned. "What that mean?"

She lay down and cover her face and as soon as she did, I realized what was happening. I gently raise her legs and pull down her panties which had blood in them.

"Why didn't you tell me he was touching you?!" I stood up and yelled.

"This only the second time Chris I was scared." she say, sounding scared.

I start pacing back and forth, trying to decide if I wanna kill this nigga or not. I leaned against the wall and sighed.

I turned around and she covered her face, crying. I kiss her forehead, still mad as hell. I couldn't believe this shit. I was mad it happened, mad she ain't tell me, but most importantly mad that I couldn't protect her. I let the love of my life down and I can't forgive myself for it.

"He just tried to touch me, that's it. He got arrested." she looked up at me. "Can we just forget about it? I wanna stay with you."

I smile and kiss her forehead. "You want me to kill him."

She laugh. "No."

I wiped her face and kissed her. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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