V Card Pt. 2

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y'all liked the first chapter so I had to write two more 😊💕.

Kacey's POV (about a week later)

"My pussy on LOCK and that's that." I said. Me and Chris had been on facetime arguing for like an hour.

He smacked his teeth. "Whatever, ya ass wasn't saying that when you kissed me."

"No, you kissed me."

"Nah you kissed me."

I rolled my eyes. "Shouldn't you be worried about ya girlfriend anyway?"

"Raven? Her fine ass next to me sleep, finished tearing her ass up right before I got on the phone with you."

I shook my head. "You are disguising, I ain't need to know all dat."

"Well you asked, so." he said.

I laughed when I all of a sudden heard the door. "I'ma call you back."

"Aight." he hung up.

I watched as Tyga walked in with some Walmart bags. "Hey babe, I thought you had went shopping." he leaned down and kissed my cheek.

"Nah I decided to chill at home since it's supposed to rain, whatchu got in them bags." I said standing and hugging him.

"Some lil gifts and stuff." he said. I opened the bags and seen candy and a lil teddy bear.

"Aww, this for me?" I asked smiling.

"It was supposed to be a surprise but you being nosey." he said, I smiled and hugged him again.

"Who was you on the phone with." he asked going in the kitchen.

"Raven." I said opening a box of chocolate.

"I thought she was sleep."

"How the fuck you knew she was sleep?" I asked.

We stared at each other and he hesitated. "It's not what you think baby, I promise."

"Whatever Ty, should've known not to trust yo ass." I said going upstairs.

I know I was wrong for kissing Chris but damn, I been hearing rumors about them sneaking around for years now. Way before me and Ty was even together.

I took a shower to try and calm my nerves so I wouldn't stab Tyga. I packed me a lil bag and called Chris. Raven answered the phone sounding happy as fuck. "Hey best friend."

"Don't hey best friend me you sheisty ass bitch, you fucking Ty?"

She scoffed. "No, why would I do some shit like that?"

"Man whatever, where Chris at?"

"None of yo business bitch." she hung up.

I rolled my eyes and went in the closet. I started throwing all Tyga's shit in black bags, I got pissed even thinking about him fucking my best friend of 10 whole years.

I looked up when Ty walked in. He smacked his teeth and sighed. "Babe c'mo, all that not even necessary. Me and Rae just kicked it a few times but that's it. It was never nothing serious and you know I love you-"

"LOVE ME? If you LOVED ME you wouldn't have been being the hoe ass nigga you are, would you?" I yelled in his face.

"It was just a few times Kacey, dats it." he said tryna hug me.

I pushed him off of me. "I don't wanna hear that shit, that's why yo dick little now." I said starting to cry.

I kept throwing his stuff in bags until he grabbed my hands and pulled me to his chest. "Calm down, it ain't even that serious."

"Bitch you cheated on me, that's serious!" I said through tears.

He hugged me until I stopped crying then wiped my face. "But since you know.. I got something else to tell you."

"What?" I whispered.

"She pregnant... and it's my baby." he said.

"WHAT?!" I yelled at him.

I started punching his stupid ass, and it turned to a full fledged fight. He pushed me backwards and I hit my head on the wall which broke a hole in the sheet rock.

I started crying again and walked out he tried to grab me but I snatched away. I grabbed my bag, phone, laptop, chargers and keys then went downstairs.

He ran after me and blocked the door. "I love you more than life itself, please just listen to me."

"I've heard enough, Ty. Just gimme some time to think." I said.

He nodded, raised my chin and kissed me. "Aight."

I walked outside and got in my car. I called Chris twice and he finally answered. "Rae told me what happened, you wanna jump they asses?" he said.

I instantly started laughing. "Ion even care, I just wanna see you."

"Ahh, now you wanna see me?"

"Chris I miss you, quit playing."

"I'm just messing witchu, I'll text you ny address."

"Okay." I hung up and headed to his house...

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