Someone Like You Pt. 3

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Chris POV

I stood in the shower, Nyla heavy on my mind. I can't stop thinking bout this girl, and what happened to her. She went from straight A's to struggling in only 2 years. It ain't her fault and I ain't blaming her, I just can't figure out how to help her. Money can't solve all her problems.

I stepped out the shower, then wrapped a towel around my waist. I started brushing my teeth, and my phone rung.

"Wassup." I answer.

"Hey Chris." Nyla said.

I smile, "I was just thinking bout you, what you doing."

"Getting the kids ready to go."

"Aight, gimme like 20 minutes and I'll be there." I said.

"Aight." she hung up.

After I washed up I went in my closet. I put on a black sweat suit, black snap back and my gold chain. I put on my shoes, grabbed my keys and left.

I pull up at her auntie house and knock on the door. Auntie Pudding answer in her robe and bonnet. "Hey baby boy." she smile and open her arms.

"Wassup." I hug her and walk in.

"They upstairs getting ready, you can go up if you want to."

"Aight." I start walking upstairs and hear Nyla yelling at Nyrell.

"Leave yo sister alone!" Nyla yelled as I walked in.

"That's yo sister bitch!" he yelled back.

Ny grabbed her belt and start whooping his ass. "Didn't.. I.. Tell.. Yo.. Ass.. To.. Stop.. That.. Bull.. Shit.." she said in between licks.

Once she was done, she grabbed him by his shirt and threw him on the bed. "Sit yo ass down and shut up until we leave." she rolled her eyes.

"Hey babe." I say, then pick Destiny up.

"Hey." she stood on her tip toes and kissed me.

"Y'all ready." I put Destiny in her car seat.

"Yep." she picked up their bags and we went downstairs.

When we got to my house I carried Destiny in and Nyrell started running around the house. "Slow down lil boy!" I yelled.

"Sorry." he ran and jumped on the sofa.

Me and Nyla laugh. "So what you want me to help with."

"Let's go start unpacking my bedroom, then we gon go downstairs. Stay down here and watch TV, don't move." I said to Nyrell, then turned the TV to cartoon network. I laid Destiny down in the guest bedroom to take a nap then we went to my bedroom.

We started opening boxes and taking clothes to my closet. "Where the rest of your clothes at? Yo ass had 3 bedrooms full of clothes before you moved." she say, hanging some shirts up.

I laughed, "The rest of my stuff getting shipped here in 2 days. But the movers gon unpack that shit."

"Oh okay." she nod. "I wish we could still live across the street from each other."

I sat on the bed and watched her fold my shirts. She stacked them in a pile then looked at me. "What's wrong."

"I need to talk to you." I pat the bed next to me, and she come sit down. "You gon stay with yo auntie till you get on your feet."

"No, she gon be moving to Atlanta soon."

"Aight." I nod. "What you think about coming to stay with me."

"What? Chris you can't take me in and 2 kids, that's too much."

I pulled her to lay on my chest and grabbed both of her hands. "I want y'all to be stable, the babies don't need to be moving around all the time. And don't Nyrell need to be in school?"

"Yeah, he go back on Monday."

I nod. "After we done we'll go get y'all stuff from Pudding house, and y'all can get settled in."

She sat in my lap and kissed me. "Thank you, I really appreciate this."

"You know I got you." I smile.

She smile back and kiss me again. I flipped over and laid her down, still kissing her. I pulled her shirt off and was about to pull her bra off until Nyrell walked in.

"I'm hungry!" he yelled.

"Shut up before you wake the baby up!" Ny said, pulling her shirt back on.

"Y'all in here doing nasty stuff." Nyrell said.

"Hush and go back downstairs." I said.

We walked out and I heard the baby whining. I walked in the guest bedroom and she was crying.

"Hey boo boo." I picked her up and kissed her cheek.

I walked downstairs, went in her baby bag and pulled out a bottle. I put some water and formula in it, shook it up and gave it to her. I sat down on my phone while she ate.

"Chris!" Nyla walk in.


"I'm done unpacking your room."

"Aight, you hungry."

"Yeah." she sat next to me. "I'll cook."

"Aight cool." I nod. "So what you gonna do."

"I wanna go back to school but I still need to work and take care of the kids."

"You was in nursing school, right."

"Yep. But I had to drop out to take care of them."

"Well you going back and I'ma make sure of that."

"But how? The kids need me-"

I cut her off, "Don't worry bout the kids, they'll be okay. What kind of work you finna be doing."

"I was looking at applying at Walmart. I got a lil bit of money saved school."

"Start selling hair again."

"I'll need to look for vendors and all type of stuff."

"You gon have time, and you can drive one of my cars to get back and forth from school." I sat Destiny up to burp her.

Ny leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Thank you."

"You always welcome, now go cook us some food."

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