Have It Your Way Pt. 4

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Are you guys still with me? I sure hope so 🥺. I'm sorry I haven't been updating like I promised. I been stressing about family, school, and I just lost my baby 😔. But I'm back now and I'm happy to be updating again. I missed writing and reading all your comments! I hope you all still enjoy reading just as much as I enjoy writing 💞.

Chris POV (Thursday)

I walked in Zaxby's after school to see if Zion was at work. She told me she was off but I had a feeling her ass was lying, so I went to see for myself. And sure enough she was in front working as the cashier.

"Zionna I'm finna whoop yo ass." I said.

She half smiled, bagging somebody food. "What I do to you?"

"You know what the fuck I'm talking about, you told me you was off today. You could've just told me you had to work, I wouldn't have been mad at you."

She half smiled again but I knew she ain't mean it, she kinda looked sad. "My mama... said I needed to work today. She need money to pay off a... debt."

I raised an eyebrow. "Drugs? Her trifling ass making you work cuz she owe money for drugs?"

"Here you go, have a good day." she ignored my question and handed a customer his food.

"You know what Z? Quit this bullshit ass job. Move out of yo mama spot wit her stupid ass and just come chill with me for a little bit. You need some time away from that, give you some time to get your head together." I said.

She shook her head and I could see tears swelling up in her eyes. " I can't Chris, I just can't. It ain't that easy."

I sighed. "Look. How about you take the rest of the night off. You can come over my house, we'll work on the project." 

She look up at me and give me an excited smile. I smiled back, knowing she was finally getting away from them, and this my chance to get her in the bed.

She clocked out, grabbed her jacket and bag then walked up to me. "Ready." she smiled.

I looked down and she was wearing bright blue crocs. "You look like a lil bitty ass kid."

"No I don't." she yelled.

I laughed and we went outside to the car. She started to get tense as we got closer to her apartment building. I put my hand on her thigh and she just gave me a worried look. I grabbed her hand and squeezed.

"It's gone be fine, and I got my glock just in case I gotta shoot one of they asses." I say to her, and she busted out laughing.

She got out and went in the house, then came back with her spending the night bag, some slides and a pair of air max. She put her stuff in the back seat then got in the front. "She ain't care about you leaving?" I ask once she got back in the car.

"Nah, both they asses was knocked out drunk on the couch so I just went upstairs and grabbed my stuff."

I nodded and drove off. Once we was out the apartment complex and back on the rode I looked at her. "What you feel like eating?"

"Ion know." she said, rocking side to side to the music.

Aw shit. I hate when girls do this, don't never know what they want to eat. "McDonald's? Burger King? Wendy's?"


"You want some wings?"

She made a nasty face. "No."

"Chick Fil A? Dairy Queen? Pizza Hut?"

"Oooh yes, I want some Chick Fil A."

We went through the drive through and grabbed some food then headed to my house. We walked in and Zion looked around with big eyes. "You got a nice apartment, I like it."

"I got a nice dick, you gon like that too." I sat our food on the table.

"Eww, is it pink."

"Hell nah my shit ain't pink, wanna see." I unbuckled my belt.

She screamed and covered her face, and I start laughing. "C'mon ma, lemme show you where your room is."

She followed me down the hall and I opened the first door on the left. "You can stay in the room, the bathroom over there, and you can put your clothes in the closet if you want to."

"Okay." she said her bags on then we sat down to eat.

"So have you started reading The Things They Carried, our book." she asked, eating her nuggets.


"What? We gone have to work on the power point soon, and it's gone take at least another week for me to finish the book. Why you ain't start yet?"

I shrugged. "Ion know ma, I forgot about it."

"We gonna have to start reading tonight."

We finished eating and then I went to shower while she unpacked. After I got out she got in, and then I sat down to play the game. 15 minutes pass and she walk in wearing a tight black sweat suit.

She sat behind me and watched me play, then eventually left back out. When she came back she was wearing a light grey tank top and some pink booty shorts. All I seen was her nipples poking out, and her ass shaking when she walked.

She sat the book in front of the TV then put her arms around my neck. I knew she wanted to crawl in my lap so I held my arms out and she laid on my chest. I put my arms around her and finished playing call of duty. I turned the game off and looked down at her, and she stared back at me.

She got up and laid on my bed. "C'mon, let's start reading." I put my head on her right titty and listened to her read the story.

"First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross carried letters from a girl named Martha, a junior at Mount Sebastian College in New Jersey. They were not love letters, but Lieutenant Cross was hoping, so he kept them folded in plastic at the bottom of his rucksack." she read from chapter 1.

That was the last thing I really listened to, because her voice started putting me to sleep. She rubbed the back of my head and chest to try and keep me awake but I was knocked the fuck out.

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