Have It Your Way Pt. 2

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Sorry for the slow updates y'all! Quarantine and online classes been kicking my ass but since I'm at home so much, expect updates more often 🥰❤️!

Chris POV (Monday morning)

I rolled over in bed and turned off my alarm. It was 7 and time for my yellow ass to get ready to go to school.

I got up and walked over to the bathroom. I grabbed a wash cloth and towel from the closet then grabbed my old phone to connect it to my speaker. I turned on some music the got in the shower.

After I was done I wrapped the towel around my waist and went back to the closet. I pulled out a white t-shirt, peach Snipes hoodie and some blue vans. I got dressed, ran my fingers through my hair and sprayed on some cologne. I grabbed my back pack and put in my charger, headphones, books and a bottle of water. I grabbed my keys and phone, locked my door then got in the car.

I was almost at school when my phone start ringing, Smoke calling me. "What nigga." I answer.

"Where you at bruh."

"Driving. What you want."

"Come get me bruh, Trinity left me and I ain't got a ride."

I smacked my teeth. "I'm damn near at school now, yo broke ass better get a Uber."

"Man fuck you nigga!"

"Fuck you too!" I said, then hung up.

I walked through the metal detector then went to the cafeteria. I sat at the table wit the other niggas on the team. I grabbed breakfast and when I sat back down I noticed somebody sitting in the corner at a table by herself.

Zion sat there looking around at everybody. She had her arms crossed and looked lonely. She had a notebook and her schedule sitting in front of her and her book bag in the seat next to her. She got her hair braided into some long blue straight backs and had on some long ass eyelashes. Damn. This girl get prettier everyday.

"Aye bruh." I nudged Tyga.

"There go ya girl." he laughed.

I smacked my teeth. "Ain't my girl."

"You the one said you wanted her lying ass bitch." he said.

I shoved him as the bell rang. I stood up and made my way through the crowd to catch up with Zion. This baldhead ass girl looked at me and said "Watch where the fuck you going."

"You watch where you going, fish biscuit smelling ass bitch." I said to her, then turn back to Zion.

I walked in front of her and looked down at my phone, acting like I ain't see her. I felt her tug on my sleeve and I turned around. "Hey Chris." she smiled big at me.

"Wassup." I smiled back, "When you get here?"

"Today, this my first day. Help me find my class?"

"Yeah c'mon." I grabbed her schedule and started walking down the hall. People started going in they classes and the crowd started to clear.

I walked to the end of the hallway downstairs and pointed to the right. "This your class ma, your second period across the hall 2 classes down. After that you go to first lunch. Then you go upstairs to the science lab. It's got a trophy in front of it, you can't miss it."

"Alright I'll try to remember that." she looked up at me. "Thank you."

"No problem." I looked her up and down then walked to my class.

First and second period went by quick and it came time for lunch. I had first lunch so after the bell rung I went straight to the cafeteria. I grabbed some pizza, tater tots and some juice then went back to my seat with Ty and all them.

We sat there eating and talking shit and Zion walked in with some girl. I watched her walk past me and called her name. She looked at me and smiled. "Come here." I held out my arms.

She walked around the table and grabbed my face. "Hey pooh."

"C'mere." I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her down to my lap.

I sat there and ate while she wrapped her arms around my head and rubbed my neck. After I was done I wiped my mouth and kissed the side of her neck. She kissed my cheek and I pulled her closer to me.

I sat there holding her until the bell rung for us to go to 3rd period. She stood up and held onto the back of my hoodie. We finally got there and she looked up at me with puppy eyes.

"Where you going after school?"

"To da house probably, why wassup?" I said, just as she was about to respond I heard my girlfriend Ariana voice.

"Chris!" she yelled. "Come here bae!"

"Wassup." I leaned down and kissed her.

Zion gave me a irritated look then turned and said, "I'll see you later Chris."

After school I got in the car with and drove across the street to Kroger. I seen Zion walking down the street, eating some Pringles. I blew the horn and she rolled her eyes at me.

Just met the girl and I already fucked up.

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