Mood Swings Pt. 5

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Kemani's POV

I stared out the window of my US History class as the rain poured down. I could barely keep my eyes open, I was tired as hell cuz I ain't get off work until 10 pm. Then I had to do homework for 2 hours straight, and wake up at 5:30 to be at a 7 am class.

It's days like this that I hate. I feel so drained and like I can't get anything done. It's hard especially since Chris ain't here. He had to fly to New York to do a show so he ain't even here to make me feel better. Luckily he'll be back after school and this is my only morning class so I ain't gotta worry.

As soon as I thought about Chris, he text me. I looked down at my phone, Wyd tonight? the text said. I gotta work babe I responded.

"First came the Boston Tea Party, which lead to the Intolerable acts, which then lead to the First continental congress." Professor Abrams walked by and tapped my desk, signaling for me to put my phone away.

I rolled my eyes and put it in my pocket. He stared at for me a few seconds then walked away. "This nigga weird." my friend Jontavion whispered to me. I laughed and looked back down at my phone.

Take the night off I wanna see u Chris texted me back. I smiled and was about to text him back until I heard my name.

"Ms. Green." Professor said.

"Yes, Professor A?"

"Why did the King pass the Intolerable Acts?" he ask, crossing his arms.

"Because he didn't like what the colonists were doing."

"What did the colonists do?" he asked. I stared at him for a few seconds until Jontavion whispered the answer to me.

"The Boston Tea Party." I said.

He looked me up and down then walked back to his desk. I started feeling kinda uneasy, like something bad was gonna happen. I texted Chris to come and pick me up, then kept taking notes. When he texted back I looked down at my phone for one second.

"Ms. Green." Professor said.

I sighed and looked up at him. "What?"

"Off the phone please, and I need you to stay after class." he said.

The other students laughed and I rolled my eyes. "Fuck y'all laughing at?" I yelled, just as the bell rung.

Everybody else got up and left. Jontavion hug me and say, "Call me when you get home."

I nodded and he left, leaving me and the Professor in the room. I started feeling kinda worried, the way he was looking at me was making me nervous. He walked over to his printer and handed me a paper with my name on it, and my grade which is a 67.

"You've haven't been doing as well as you used to Ms. Green." he stopped pacing back and forth and stood in front of my desk.

"Don't call me that, my name is Kemani." I snapped.

He looked me dead in the eyes. "You used to be a good student. Is there something I need to know about?"

"No." I whisper, terrified of what he about to do.

"You sure about that?" he lean forward and grab my hand to put it down his pants but I snatch it away.

He smirk, grab my hands and yank me to stand up. He unbuckle his belt and start walking towards me. I kept walking backwards until my back was against the wall. "I don't wanna have to punish you." he whispered.

"Fuck you, sick ass bitch I'll kill you." I said, he slap me.

I stared at him in shock, tears start rolling down my cheek. He rub my face, and keep looking me up and down. "Don't disrespect me." he whispered.

"I'm sorry." I say with tears streaming down my face.

He let me go, buckle his belt and put his hand up to choke me. "Don't tell nobody about this, you understand me?" he whisper.

I nod and he let go. I start shaking and gathered my stuff. I quickly grabbed my bags and ran out in the rain to Chris car.

I hopped in and he noticed something was wrong. "You okay baby? What's wrong." he lean over and kiss my cheek.

I smile at him. "Nothing. Can we go to my dorm then your house? I wanna stay with you tonight."

He nod. "Aight."

I looked out the window, as Professor Abrams stare at me out through the building.

Chris Brown Imagines (Book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant