Chapter 56: A change in seiyuu that sealed his fate.

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Now that we have sealed the deal with Lorelei, we can proceed to...oh?

Erevain is approaching me.

"My Lord, Jules and Sophie have returned. They are waiting outside."

"Ah, I see. Then, have Allegra and Bertia watch over Miss Lorelei and Miss Sven in the living room while I entertain our newly arrived guests."


"As you wish, My Lord."

Heh, Lorelei not only got startled when I mentioned Allegra's name, but she's now looking at me in confusion.

Did she think that I'd trust her enough to leave her alone in the living room or something? Ha! As if!

Besides, she wouldn't be alone since Erica is there but still.

Erevain calls over Allegra and Bertia and they proceed to free Lorelei and Sven, with the former not only jumping from her chair the second she's free, but also making some distance between herself and Allegra.

Meanwhile, my cute purple-haired Maid-Knight just giggles at her actions, and she does so in a way that makes it seem as if she were seeing some cute little child or animal doing them.

In any case, she leaves the room with a scared Lorelei shortly after.

Sven, on the other hand, walks out of the room with a blissful smile on her face and a cheerful Bertia by her side. If this were a manga, Sven would probably have flowers popping around her head with how much of a bundle of bliss she's now, heh.

"My Lord, one more thing. What should we do about her?"


Of course, Erevain is talking about the sleeping Locke-chan.

"Leave her be, she shall not be waking up any time soon."

"Very well, My Lord. Luca..."

With that, she signals Luca to put the new guests under her interference spell, the one that makes it so that they may not be able to use magic.

I said it once before, but I'll say it again, Luca's magic sure is convenient.

[Shadow Mist of Interference], that is the name of her spell.

It does as the name implies with a shadowy mist coming out of Luca's hands as soon as she finishes her chant, one that then covers its target's head before 'disappearing'.

Yep, I said that last bit it as if I had put air quotes on it because the mist is still there, it just turns invisible.

The mist seems to mess with their targets chanting and thus, doing what I said earlier.

Think of it as a special version of a silence spell.

Now...carrying the new guests, I can see Jules and Sophie.

Also, Jules seems to be eating something resembling a caramel-covered fruit with her free hand.

Although, I am not sure enough to call it an apple since even the smell is kind of yeah.

Meanwhile, Sophie seems...happy, proud, and even way too much.

It's as if she is going to start jumping and humming all happily at any moment from now.

Her cheeks are red, eyes seem refreshed, and heck, even her hair looks shinier.

Did fulfilling her task made her that happy?

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