Sleeping Position

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Joseph Seed

Joseph likes holding in your sleep. He always makes sure that your comfortable before you go to sleep. You both are facing each other, while you're snuggled into his chest, he is resting his chin on your head.

Jacob Seed

Jacob would like holding you, to keep you safe during the night. He sometimes can't sleep, but he'll hold you while you sleep. He will lay on his back while you're snuggled into his side, while he would keep is arm wrapped around you.

John Seed

(Insert Lenny face) He's very touchy, it's a necessity to hold you. You have your back to him, while he faces you. You are right up against him, there is no such thing as 'too close' for John. Your butt in his crotch, with his hands on either your hips of chest.

Faith Seed

The two of you don't really hold each other in bed, because one of the two of you will be in a giant like of blankets, while the other is just under a thin sheet. You won't be facing each other, but your legs usually entangle at some point in the night.

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