Shots Fired

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Reader is shot by a resistance member.

This was a request by ellesstories_17

Joseph Seed

The compound was supposed to be a safe place, where the resistance stayed out of. Some had snuck in for a surprise attack, they shot as many as they could before they escaped. You had just happened to be outside at the time, and you got shot in the stomach. Some members of the flock were immediately at your side, taking you inside to where Joseph was, and getting a med kit. Joseph was by your side the entire time they patched you up, and during your recovery. While they patched you up Joseph kept reassuring you that it would be alright, that you would make it.

During your recovery Joseph did all of the house work. You tried to help, but he wasn't having any of it. He knew you needed to rest, and he was going to make sure you got it.

Joseph had some flock members track down those resistance members that shot you. They were caught and brought to John for confessions.

Jacob Seed

Jacob had taken you hunting when it happened. The two of you went hunting together often, so what would make this time any different? You had fun into some resistance members. They immediately tried shooting at you and Jacob, before they can off. They hadn't been able to shoot Jacob, but we're able to shoot you in you thigh. Jacob carried you back to his car, where he had a med kit. He wasn't the most experienced, but patched you up good enough to get you back to the veterans center; where you got proper medical care.

Jacob made sure you stayed off of that leg, to ensure a good recovery. Anytime you tried to do something that could exhaust your leg, Jacob scolded you and made you sit down. Jacob knew you needed to let your leg rest, and he was going to make sure you got it; no matter how much you complained.

While some medics were helping you at the veterans center, Jacob brought some judges back to the spot where you were shot. He had them track down whoever shot you. They had a good dinner that night.

John Seed

The resistance had tried taking over Johns Ranch many times, they never succeeded, but they tried. You were just outside, wandering around. The resistance decided to try and take the ranch again, they shot as many as they could, but we're easily taken down by Johns men. You happened to be one of the people who were shot, you were shot in your side. John wasn't home at the time, he was called immediately informing him that you were shot. By the time he got there you were already patched up, that didn't stop him from constantly asking if you were okay.

While you were recovering John wouldn't let you do anything. He tried doing everything for you. You did draw the line at the kitchen. You still cooked, because you didn't want John to burn down the entire house.

The resistance members that survived were already taken up to the bunker for confessions. John was furious at them, and made sure to give them one heck of a confession.

Faith Seed

Faith and you were checking on some bliss fields, a few of her men were there with some angels. Her men were explaining how the angels were acting, and then some resistance members ambushed you. You got in front of Faith, knowing that they would go for her first. The angels and her men took them down quick, but not before you got shot in the back. Her men patched you up as well as they could right there, after you were rushed to somewhere they could find a medic that could help.

Faith was very thankful that you had blocked them from hitting her, during your recovery she wanted to help you to the best of her ability. You did as much as you could do, helping with food, small amounts of cleaning, but everything else Faith made you sit out.

The members who had shot you were taken and made into angels. They would spend the rest of there days as mindless angels who helped the very thing they swore to destroy.

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