The Deputys Love pt1

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The Deputy falls in love after meeting you, and tries to 'save' you from the Seeds. This is a part one, second part coming soon.

Also Deputy in this is an dude, and reader is married to the Seeds.

WARNING!: The Deputy in the story acts slightly yandere like. If you are uncomfortable with this, DO NOT READ!

Joseph Seed

The innocent look you had when he walked into the church, it caused him to search you out first. Dutch hadn't told him about you, when he asked, he was warned to steer clear of you. That you were Joseph's wife, and if he dared to go near you, the cult would be on his ass like never before. The Deputy was determined to find you, he was sure you weren't there by choice. Just the look I your eye told him.

He found out you were at the compound and started making a plan to get you out of there. It a week or so to have his plan foolproof, but it would be worth it. He noticed how you'd sit near the lake, unaccompanied, so this was his chance. Just in case he brought a smoke grenade.

He snuck up to you quietly, making sure he was out of sight. The second he grabbed you and you saw who it was, you screamed. In a panic he threw down the smoke grenade, picked you up, and ran. You fought him the entire time, so when he got you to his car he bound your wrists and ankles with duck tape. It was a struggle with you fighting him, but he was able to get it done.

He brought you to a secluded bunker he had found earlier while he was exploring. It was small, but it would be okay for two people. He didn't dare untie you, fearing you would run. He knew you were scared by him taking you so suddenly, but he would show you that he could keep you safe from the cult.

Jacob Seed

When he first saw you and Jacob together, he couldn't believe it. Such a gentle, fragile person with a monster. He didn't focus on what Jacob was talking about, he only focused on you, and your innocent features. He asked Eli who you were, and what you were doing there. He was told that you were Jacobs wife, and trying to get to you would break all hell loose. He just knew you weren't there by choice. You were probably being conditioned, and forced to love Jacob. He was determined on getting you away from him.

He found out were you went on walks. Of course they were near the veterans center, but it was the best chance he got. He had gotten a hold of some bliss arrows, and this would be the best time to use them.

You were sitting near the large pond near the veterans and edge of the forest. You were close enough he could almost touch you. He aimed his bow at your leg, and took his shot. He put your limp body over his shoulder, and took you to his truck. He bound your wrists and ankles, just in case you were to wake.

He took you to an abandoned cabin, in a deeper part of the woods. He was sure Jacob wouldn't be able to find you. He knew you would fight him when you woke up, but he hoped with time you would come to trust him. He knew it'd be tough undoing anything Jacob did to you, but it would be worth it in the end.

John Seed

The Deputy first saw you inside Johns ranch. He stared at you for a good few minutes, making sure he wasn't seen. You were so innocent. How could someone like that be with someone so temperamental. He asked around Falls End, seeing if anyone knew about you. Mary May told him about you, that you were Johns wife, and you were one not to be messed with. He wondered how someone so pure could be with someone so evil. That's when he came to the conclusion that John probably abused you, and that you needed to get out of there.

He planned to take Johns ranch while you were there. He planned it very carefully, even bringing along some other resistance members for help. He watched the ranch for a few days, figuring out when John was gone, when you were still there.

When he attacked with the resistance, cultists were at your side immediately. He made you is too priority. With how many resistance members he brought and his own tactics, they were easily able to take the ranch. He made sure you were still alive, making excuses to the resistance that you were going to be bait to get John. They obviously believed him, also wanting to get at John.

He kept you tied up in an upstairs room in the main building. He'd visit you often, making the resistance think he was questioning you about the cult, trying to get information. He was really just sitting and talking with you, trying to get you to understand that this was for your own good.

Faith Seed

He first saw you in the bliss with Faith. You stood at her side, while she explained how the Father found her. He was mesmerized by you, although it could have been the bliss. He didn't take his eyes off of you, while Faith tried to get his attention. Once he was released, he went to Tracey, asking who you were. She barely said anything about you, just that you were Faiths and you weren't worth the trouble of getting too. He was sure Faith was using the bliss on you, and he was determined to save you.

He watched were you would take walks alone, away from any cultists. He watched carefully, taking in your delicate figure. The path wasn't to far from your shared home, so he'd have to work fast and quiet. As to not alert anyone.

He snuck up on you, slowly and quietly. Then he stuck. He put you in a choke hold until you were out cold. While you were out he bound your wrists and ankles, knowing you would try to fight him.

He first tried taking you to the prison, but Tracey warned him, they weren't taking you. He ended up settling for a small house in the middle of a large plain. He left peaches at the house when he was gone, just in case.

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