You're With Another Sibling

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One sibling is in love with reader, but reader is with another sibling.

Joseph Seed

You were with Faith. Ever since Joseph had met you, he knew he loved you. Personality, looks, and flaws, it was all perfect to him. He did notice you and Faith were close, but he presumed you were good friends. It was actually John who had to brake it to him. He was talking about you, and how he planned on asking you out. John had to tell him the truth, that you were with Faith.

He immediately stopped pursuing you. He stayed good friends with you, but tried to shove all his feelings of love for you down inside. He just couldn't lose his attraction for you. Even though he loved you, he stayed silent for you and Faith.

Jacob Seed

You were with Joseph. Jacob hated it. He knew you were with his brother, but he loved you. You were probably the only person he'd felt like this for, but he liked seeing his brother so happy. He stayed neutral around you, sometimes trying not to even acknowledge you. He didn't want to ruin your relationship. It was hard for him to detach himself from you feeling wise, Joseph was always either talking about the project or you.

He didn't pursue you. Jacob is good at pushing feelings down deep inside, but with you if was a bit of a challenge. He didn't talk with you, he tried keeping interaction to a minimum. He made sure you and Joseph stayed happy, even if he wasn't.

John Seed

You were with Jacob. It was tough for John. He'd never had a person pick someone over him. Well, it wasn't that you picked Jacob over John, it was just that you felt attracted to Jacob and not him. He did small thing to show affection, like call you beautiful/handsome, small amounts of flirting, or just kind gestures. Jacob and you both saw it as John just being John. It was killing inside not to tell you, not to be able to hold you, or kiss you.

John stayed close with you, wishing for you to be his. Deep down he knew he should've just leave you alone completely, considering he'd never seen Jacob this happy. John wanted to put his feelings aside for once, he tried to stop loving you, but he just couldn't.

Faith Seed

You were with John. Faith and you had been friends for quite some time, she had grown feelings for you over time. She was getting ready to confess to you, when she over heard Joseph ask John how you were doing. She wasn't sure if he was talking about you, or someone else. After they were done talking, Faith asked John if you were the one they were talking about. John happily replied yes, explaining that you had fallen in a relationship with him.

She stopped pursuing for a relationship. She stayed friends with you. She didn't even try to push those feeling away, she just tried putting those feelings into your friendship. She was happy that you and John were happy, so she left your relationship with him alone.

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