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Reader brings home a kitten.

Joseph Seed

Joseph knew you had a soft spot for animals, it was one of the things he loved you for, your kindness to all living things. You had brought stray dogs and cats home before, but you always found a new home for them. When you had brought home a small kitten he thought this one would be no different. After maybe two months he somewhat realized this tiny kitten would be staying with you. He had gotten used to the kitted, even liked it, and it got used to him, even loved him.  He found it was good company, a kitten sitting on his lap while he read.

Jacob Seed

He was confused, to say the least. You had been talking with him about getting a pet, he thought more towards a dog though. He asked you why you brought it home, you told him you had found near the veterans center. You kept trying to talk him into letting you keep the little kitty, he reluctantly agreed. He started getting used to the kitten, you were overjoyed. Jacob thought it was kind of charming how it always tried playing with him, swatting at his boots, trying to get up his leg while he was on the couch. You absolutely adored the two of them.

John Seed

John was against keeping the kitten at first, he thought it would scratch up everything. You and him talked about it for a while, you basically begging him to give the kitten a chance. John finally agreed to give it a chance, you thanked him over and over again. John began to like the little kitten, it made him happy to see you so happy. He started spending more time with it, letting it sit on his lap, while he was on the couch or working. John also found it to be a good stress reliever of sorts, just to hold the kitten while he was angry.

Faith Seed

Faith was over the moon when you brought home a kitten. She instantly agreed to keep it, you were overjoyed! She and the kitten got along quite nicely. She enjoyed sitting on the couch with you and the kitten, and even took it for walks, which the kitten loved! Faith often referred to the kitten as your child, which you thought was adorable.

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