They Know

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This is a continuation of 'You're With Another Sibling'. In this one, the sibling you're with knows that their sibling has feelings for you, and is torn on what to do.

Joseph Seed

Joseph hadn't noticed instantly, but eventually realized how Jacob felt about you. He could tell by how Jacob looked at you. This was going to be a test for Joseph, he loved you, but so did Jacob. Joseph prayed, hoping for an answer, which he didn't get. On one hand he could stay with you and not do anything about his brother leaving him unhappy, on another he could leave you and you would all be unhappy. Those were the only options he saw, so he came to you. He didn't let you know it was Jacob who loved you, or that you two were even apart of the situation. You weren't sure what he should or even could do, you suggested leaving them be, letting it play out on its own. So that's what Joseph did, but it still hurt that he was hurting his brother.

Jacob Seed

Jacob knew instantly about Johns attraction to you. At first he ignored it, thinking it was just the way John acted around people. That thought didn't last long, he noticed Johns advances on you, flirting, pet names. You of course hadn't noticed, so Jacob started keeping you closer to him when John was around. Jacob knew about Johns past how he had someone for a night then threw them away. Jacob thought John would do that to you, just throw you away after he got what he wanted. A small part of him was hurt by Johns advances, and thought maybe he might actually love you. He asked you honestly if you thought John was attractive. You said yes, John had his looks, but you didn't like how he flaunted his money, it was a turn off for you. Jacob left it at that, and hoped John would find someone else to pursue.

John Seed

It took John quite some time before he even had a suspicion. He saw Faith as just your best friend. He started yet suspicious when he noticed how Faith stared at you while you weren't looking. He started getting a bit jealous. He went to Faith, and asked very bluntly if she was attracted to you. She denied it, saying you were only a friend to her, but John saw right through it. He left Faith alone, but when she was around John kept you closer. He couldn't see you leaving him for her because you loved and trusted him, but there is always a part of him that will be jealous of Faith.

Faith Seed

Faith had no clue that Joseph loved you, she knew you two were good friends, but that was all. Until she accidentally overheard a conversation between John and Joseph. Joseph was talking about asking you out, but then John told him that you were with Faith. She was broken, she didn't know what to do. The Father loved you, and she was the one person in the way. She wanted to talk to Joseph about it, but she was scared to upset him, so she went to John. John instantly knew what she was talking about, and just told her that she wasn't doing anything wrong, and that Joseph had gotten over you. So she left the situation alone, and kept the relationship with you without worry.

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