Secret Relationship

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You are in a secret relationship with the Seeds, and another sibling finds out.

Joseph Seed

You were apart of Joseph's flock, and you had interested him. He wasn't really keeping you a secret intentionally, you were still getting to know each other. He did plan on being you to a family dinner sometime, but wanted to wait for now. Faith was the one to find out about you two. She needed to talk to Joseph, while you were with him in the compounds gardens. She assumed you were just another flock member, and asked Joseph to talk. He excused himself, and slipped an 'I love you' to you. Neither you nor Joseph noticed, but Faith did. She didn't ask him in the moment, but did ask him about you later.

Jacob Seed

You and Jacob had met while you were hunting. You and him had seen each other a few different times, started to talk, and ended up in a relationship. He didn't really see a need for anyone else to know about you. He had never really thought about what would happen if his siblings found out, because he wasn't worried that they would do anything. Joseph was the one to find out about you, he had decided to visit Jacob, he called and told Jacob he was coming by. Jacob told you, and you made dinner. When Joseph arrived and saw you, he just kinda stared at you. You introduced yourself, which he introduced himself back. He did question Jacob about you, which he confirmed that you and him were together. He did like seeing how happy he was with you, and told him he should bring you to a family dinner sometime.

John Sedd

You and John had met you through a confession. He ended up letting you go. He met with you after that, and it became a regular thing for him to visit you, and it turned into a relationship. He was more scared of Joseph finding out about you. He worried that Joseph would make you go through a full confession, and either be sent to Jacob or Faith. Jacob was the one to find out about you. Jacob came to talk to John, and found you two in Johns bed. (Not having sex, just cuddling.) Jacob honestly didn't care. John was and adult and could sleep with whomever he wanted. Jacob did tease him a bit though, asking when you were coming to a family dinner.

Faith Seed

Faith and you had been together before she had become Faith. Back when she was still Rachel Jessop. You were one of the last people to still call her by that. She hid you from the cult because she was scared, she didn't want Jacob turning you into a soldier, John making you go through a confession, or her having to turn you into an angel at Joseph's order. John was the one that found out about you two. He felt some sympathy, having relationships in the past like this. He advised Faith to tell Joseph before he found out for himself. You had to calm Faith down, she was worried John might tell Joseph, or that Joseph would find out for himself. She eventually eat down with Joseph and came clean about your relationship. Joseph was somewhat worried that you were leading her down the wrong path, but after meeting with you he was alright with her being with you.

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