Is Your Twin Okay With Them?

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How does your twin feel about your relationship with the Seed. (If you don't have a twin that's okay, just pretend for this one.)

Joseph Seed

Your twin and Joseph get along very well, they think you and Joseph are a great couple. They're not to fond of the cult, but respect that it's your life; and there's not much they can do to change it. Overall they think you got a good man, who loves you, and that's all that matters to them.

Jacob Seed

They're not very fond of Jacob. He is older than you by quite a few years, and they knew what Jacob does for the cult, so they're always worried for you. You try reassure them, but they are careful around Jacob. They understand you can take care of yourself, but they always check up on you, just in case.

John Seed

They honestly didn't like John. He was always touching you, making sexual references with you, and teasing you in front of people. They thought he was using you for something, and have tried to talk you out of the relationship before. When they found out about the cult and his past, it only made their suspicions grow.

Faith Seed

They loved Faith! They thought she was perfect for you in everyway, and Faith and them became good friends. They knew about the cult, but they respectful of it. They teased the two of you about being a perfect couple, and when they should start planning a wedding.

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