Jealousy - Jacob Seed

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My first Jacob Seed oneshot! This is a JacobxReader

Stay around until the end, there are some quick announcements/questions.

WARNING! Mentions of severe violence and extreme gore! Please DO NOT READ if you are uncomfortable with these topics!


Pratt could never put his finger on it. He just hated you. Jealous maybe? Pratt knew that he was weak. He also knew that the weak had there purpose. In his eyes, you didn't have a purpose.

You were weak, just like Pratt, so why did Jacob keep you like he did? Being conditioned, Pratt lost the concept of love.

There was no room for love. No room for you.

Pratt pondered at what you might be to Jacob. He didn't understand. You were both weak, but he was stronger than you. So you should be been culled, right?

Jacob still put you over him. Maybe Jacob thought that you were stronger? Pratt needed to prove that he was stronger. He needed that appraisal.

So, he put his plan in motion. It would take some time, but he would show Jacob who was dominant. He watched you, studied your schedule, watching for moments he could strike.

He found the perfect time. Every Friday you helped clean around the veterans center. You would go alone to grab the cleaning supplies, before rejoining some others to clean. Perfect.

Pratt offered to help you grab the cleaning supplies, which you gratefully accepted. No one else even suspected him. No one was dumb enough to attach you, right?

Pratt stayed close behind you, making small talk. He kept his hand in his pocket, on a knife he had stolen earlier. Excitement arouse in him as you came closer to the supply closet.

Finally. Pratt shoved you by the shoulder face first into a wall, while shoving the knife into your back. You let out a scream of pain. An agonizing sharp pain spiraling through your back, you cried, trying to get him off of you.

Of course, someone had heard your screams. All of those who were going to clean, and Jacob, himself. All went immediately to find the cause.

As soon as Pratt saw Jacob, he became excited for him to see his work. He pushed you to the floor, and put his knife into your throat.

Jacob pulled out his hand gun, and shot Pratt. He grabbed him by the back of his neck, throwing him against a wall.

Jacob pulled you into his lap, trying to put pressure on the wound. Others had already went to get the medic, but by the time they had gotten back, it was to late.

Jacob held your lifeless body. He told those who were there to take Pratt into his cage, that he would deal with him later.

Jacob pulled your body closer. He rested your head on his shoulder, holding your body for as long as he could.

For the first time in years, Jacob wanted to cry. He saved his tears for later, as he had someone to deal with.

Jacob went to see Pratt. He was put facing the exit of his cage. He was unable to move, due to the pain from being shot. Jacob simply asked him why he had killed you.

"They were weak. They needed to be culled."


I'm so proud about how this turned out! What do you all think?

So first off, I would like to do more oneshots. If you have a request for one please share!

Secondly, I would like to start making my preferences a bit longer. However this does mean they would take more time to make, so upgrades would take a bit longer. Is this a good idea, and should I go through with it? Please let me know!

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