You Get a Stomach Flu

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Reader catches a stomach flu, Seeds help them out best they can.

Warnings: Mentions of vomiting. DO NOT READ if this bothers you!

Joseph Seed

Joseph felt horrible, you had to basically sleep in the bathroom. He stayed with you 24/7. His flock understood, they wanted you to be okay as well. Joseph would pull your hair up, to keep your it out of the way. He'd get you water, to keep you hydrated and stop you from dry retching. He'd rub your back when you were vomiting, hoping it would comfort you.

Jacob Seed

Jacob took a week off to take care you, he was worried, he'd never seen you this sick. He was worried, but he knew you were strong. He still kept a close eye on you, wanting to make sure you were okay. He would get you wet cold washcloths to sooth your fever. When you would vomit, he'd pull your hair out of the way, and rub your shoulders.

John Seed

John was practically useless. Yes he'd try to help, but he'd get in the way more than anything. He had called you the best doctor in Hope county, but there wasn't much they could do, they said 'Just stay hydrated and get some rest, it should clear up soon.' So he'd bring you water and comfort you to sleep.

Faith Seed

Faith would be the most helpful out of the siblings. She knew what teas would calm your stomach, she'd put some bliss in it,(with you permission of course) to help you sleep. She kept you hydrated, rested, and comfortable.

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