Family Outing

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Seed family goes to a lake for a swim, Faith decides to bring You! Oh, and a guest.

"My brothers should already be up there. Do you have everything you need?" You looked over your stuff, "Yea, I'm pretty sure. Are you sure they'll be okay if I bring Boomer?" She nodded, " Of course! I don't see why they would have a problem with him. " As if on queue, Boomer barked. The two of you giggled, and started your way up to the lake.

"Oh really Jacob? We both know that (y/n)-"  " That I what? " You interrupted John and Jacobs conversation. John went silent just staring at you. "John was just informing me that you're a better swimmer than me." Jacob came up with a quick excuse, and John nodded. " Well, I don't know about that. I think you're probably better. " Jacob chuckled, "Well maybe I could teach you to be better, pup." John looked like he was about to say something when Joseph intervened. "Faith, (Y/n)! It's good to see that your finally here." Joseph went in for a hug, which you would have happily obliged to- if Boomer hadn't jumped into Joseph's arms first. "Boomer get down. I'm sorry Joseph." You pulled Boomer off of him, " Its fine, he's a good dog. " 

Faith grabbed your arm, "C'mon! Let's swim (y/n)!" You both ran into the water, Boomer trailing not far behind. The two of you were having a water fight, splashing the ever loving heck out of each other. John decided to join you three- oh boy that was a mistake. He had You, Faith, and Boomer trying to take him down. John was begging for his brothers to help him, while they were on land laughing at John. "Fine, fine I'm coming in." Jacob got up, coming to help John. Jacob went over to you, and picked you up. You squealed. "Jacob put me down!" You basically screeched. " Alright. " Just as Jacob was about to drop you, Boomer jumped right into his back. Which ended up in him falling into the water still holding you. You resurfaced laughing your butt off! Jacob was holding you to his chest - which is when Boomer decided his job wasn't done yet. He jumped into the two of you again, you luckily dodged him- Jacob not so much. He picked Boomer up, and brought onto land, "Jeez you love getting in to way, don't you?" Jacob muttered to the very wet Boomer.

Faith, John, and you were laughing your butts off. "We should start heading home, it's getting late." Joseph called to you all. "Yea, Joseph's right. we should. Let's get going (Y/n)." You nodded at Faith, grabbed your stuff and prepared to get back home. You said bye to all the boys, and grabbed Boomer.

You agreed to do it again sometime, and boy you were excited for next time.

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