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The Reader gives the Seeds a surprise!

This was a request by ellesstories_17

Joseph Seed

Joseph had been working very hard lately, so you wanted to surprise him with a relaxing bath. You ran a warm bath, knowing that Joseph would be home any minute now. You went to Joseph as soon as you heard the door open, and brought him to the bathroom.

When you gave Joseph a bath he thanked you quietly many times. After the bath he cuddled with you, and thanked you again.

Jacob Seed

Jacob was in the need of a new knife, the one he had became worn, and almost unusable. He had talked about getting a new one. You thought back to a knife your father had given to you. You had never used it, so it was basically brand new. It would be the perfect gift.

When you gave it to Jacob pulled you in for a tight hug, and thanked you. He retired his old knife, and used the one you had given him.

John Seed

John had a rough day, confessions, baptisms, and meeting with Joseph. He came home exhausted. You wanted to comfort him, so you decided to surprise him with a back massage. You found him face down on a pillow in bed. You walked up to him quietly and started rubbing his back.

When you started rubbing his back, he happily accepted. He turned to you gave you a quick pack on the lips, and let you continue.

Faith Seed

Faith was always making flower crowns, for you and herself. You wanted to make her one as a surprise. It was out of daisies and other wild flowers You found. You tried your best, you didn't make the best flower crown, but you were sure Faith would love it.

When you gave it to Faith she almost squealed! She absolutely loved it, and she wore it as much as she could.

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