Meeting Family

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You bring the Seeds to meet your family.

This was a request by ellesstories_17

Joseph Seed

Joseph was excited to meet your family. He had never really had a functional family before, and wanted to make good impressions. You warned him not to go into religious topic, he obliged and tried to keep the topic in other things. Overall your family liked him, and invited him him to the family with open arms.

Jacob Seed

It took a bit of convincing to get Jacob to meet your family, but he finally caved. He was quiet around at first, until you pleaded with him to make conversation. Overall your family thought he was a bit off, but likes that you found someone who would protect you.

John Seed

John was nervous to meet your family. He wanted to make good first impressions with everyone. He wore his more expensive cloths, making sure your family knew he was wealthy. He talked about his lawyer career, hoping that they would be impressed. Overall they thought he was a bit overwhelming, but likes that he would be able to take care of you.

Faith Seed

Faith was very excited to meet your family. She was ready to make good first impressions, she wore shoes. She made sure that she had made conversation with everyone, and hoped she had made a good impression with them. Overall you family loved! They were very glad you found someone so loving.

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