They Turn Into a Neko

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A mishap with some bliss and the seeds turn into nekos. (For those of you who don't know what a neko is, basically a human with cat ears and tail.)

Joseph Seed

He was...confused. He didn't know how to feel about this change. He would ask Faith for help, but while he waited for an antidote everything stayed almost the same. Except for you passing a few cat puns here and there, and of course you liked petting his ears. You couldn't help yourself! They were so soft. Joseph liked the attention from you, but hoped the antidote would come soon.

Jacob Seed

Jacob was irritated, but he wouldn't let this get in the way of training soldiers and working with judges. Him and Faith would work on an antidote, but in the meantime he'd have to put up with your cat puns. When the two of you were alone you'd tease him and pet his ears. He wouldn't tell you, but he liked you rubbing his ears.

John Seed

John was angry, how could someone mess up a batch of bliss this bad? He had Faith start working on an antidote immediately. You on the other hand loved it! He eventually got used to the cat puns, but he probably wouldn't get used to you sneaking up behind him and petting his tail or ears.

Faith Seed

Faith wasn't sure how to feel. She started working on an antidote, but she kinda liked the fluffy ears and tail. You also liked them, you liked petting them, but wanted to get her back to normal. You weren't sure if you could handle anymore cat puns.

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