They Want You Back

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This is part two to They Leave You For The Deputy. It didn't work out with the Deputy, they realize their mistake, and want you back.

Alternate endings, either you to back with them or you tell them to leave.

Joseph Seed

You Leave

As you expected, the Deputy betrayed him. He came to you, begging for forgiveness, for you to take him back. Yes, you still loved him, and you wouldn't get over him for a while. What he did was unforgivable, he left the moment someone else came into view, but when it didn't work out he came back to you. You stopped him, stared him in the eye, "Joseph. I don't love you anymore. You left, not me. I was hurt, not you. I deserve so much better than that. Please leave." He stared at you, nodded, and left. He realized he couldn't get you back, he hated himself for what he did.

You Go Back

You knew the Deputy would turn on him. You hated that you still loved him, but you did. He came back for you, begging for forgiveness, promising to fix your relationship, and promising to do better. You could see in his eyes that he was truly sorry. Even if you were still hurt, you went back home with him. Not everything could be fixed though, all of the trust built into that relationship over the years was gone, lost, and most likely couldn't be earned back.

Jacob Seed

You Leave

You could see through the Deputy, Jacob didn't. It took him a week after to face you. You were sitting on the opposite side of the couch or him. He was talking, apologizing. You barely heard a word he said, all you could here was, 'I need someone who's strong, you're not that.' His words stuck in your head. You felt betrayed. You were torn, you still loved him, but he hurt you. When he finished, he stared at you, waiting for a response. "Jacob, I want you to leave. I thought you loved me, but obviously not as much as I thought you did. Please Jacob, just go. I don't want to see you again." He wouldn't look you in the eye, he just nodded and left. He realized that he lost one of the best things since his brothers, and he wasn't getting you back.

You Go Back

You were hurt by what he did. It hurt even more to know that you were right. The Deputy turned on him. He came and talked to you, apologized, and asked you to come back. You still loved him, you wanted to try and work everything out with him. Yes, you were hurt by what he had said, but you had never seen so vulnerable, you believed that he truly regretted it. After you came back home with him, you didn't trust him as much as before. He was supposed to love and protect you, but he was the one that hurt you. It would take a lot to fix that.

John Seed

You leave

You hated yourself for trusting John. The Deputy left him after they get everything they needed. He came to you, begging for you to come back, apologizing, begging for you to forgive him. He held tight onto your hand, staring into your eyes, waiting for you to say something. You just stared at him for a minute, not knowing what to say to him. "John, I don't trust you anymore. I can't. I don't want to be with someone I can't trust. Please leave, I don't want to see you again." Your words hit him hard. He nodded and left, he was broken. Angry that he had proved everyone right, that he was player.

You go back

You knew John, he was impulsive. That didn't make what he did any better. The Deputy had left him. He came to you, apologized, begged you to come back with. You still loved John, so you went back with him. He became very affectionate, trying to show love in everything he did. You became very self conscious, worried that you weren't good enough. It was going to take him a lot to help you rebuild your self confidence.

Faith Seed

You Leave

You knew what the Deputy was up to. Using Faith for information. You loved Faith dearly, but when she came to you in tears you didn't feel for her. She lost the relationship, not you. You were ready to move on. You were still hurt that she left you like she did, but understood it was how she felt at the time. Telling her to leave was the hardest. You had loved her for so long, it was hard to tell her to leave. "Faith, please just leave. I'm not going back with you. I'm still hurt, and I'm sure we'll still be friends; but I'm not ready for another relationship." She nodded, she knew that she had hurt you. Faith wanted to reconnect with you somehow, but knew it was to soon to see if she could.

You Go Back

You knew Faith was vulnerable, she had never been loved. You and Joseph were the only ones to show her love in her life. You understood the Deputy had taken advantage of that, but it didn't make anything hurt less. Faith told you what had happened with the Deputy had done, she apologized, she knew what she had done was stupid and impulsive, and she wanted to fix it. You knew she was telling the truth, so you went back with her. Faith worked hard with you to rebuild your relationship. She knew she would have to work hard to regain your trust, but she was willing to do it, for you.


Sorry this chapter took a week to write. I was visiting family, and couldn't find the time to write. I'll be back on my regular writing schedule soon, so don't worry.

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