When things go Boom - Joseph Seed

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Fun oneshot with Joseph and Boomer


Joseph and you were cuddling on the couch, he had a book in hand, and you were snuggled into his side as you listened to him read. Boomer was laying near the couch, keeping his head down to keep his intentions unnoticed... for now. Boomer crawled a bit closer to the couch, staring at what Joseph had I hand. A book. Boomer loved taking Joseph's books, especially while he was holding them.

The time was closing in, Boomer watched as Joseph leaned in to kiss you. A perfect shot. Snatch! Boomer grabbed the Book from Joseph's hands and ran like the Dickens.

"Boomer! Get back here!" Joseph yelled after the dog, moving out from under you to chase the poor pooch. You giggled as you watched Joseph helplessly chase after Boomer trying to get his beloved book back.

Boomer knew there was no doors open to the outside world, he had no way to make a brand escape, so he could stay for the next best thing. Making Joseph chase after him for the next little while.

Boomer was chased into your shared bedroom and under the bed, Joseph closed the door behind him so Boomer could no longer make a run for it. Joseph closed in on the bed, sure that the dog was still under. Joseph carefully looked under the bed, being met with the eyes of a thief. Boomer crawled out from under the bed, without the item Joseph had been searching for. His book was no longer in the jaws of the slobbery boy.

Joseph tried interrogating the worn out pup, but was only met with a slobbery kiss.

You picked the wet book up, covered in Boomers saliva, off of the kitchen floor. It hiding place was underneath the kitchen table. You almost laughed at the thought of Joseph being to distracted on catching Boomer, that he had missed him dropping it under the table.


Sorry I haven't uploaded in a week!

Will have another chapter up by Thursday.

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