Joseph's Love - Joseph Seed

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Joseph's finale part to 'The Deputys Love'

Joseph ran after the Deputy as they ran off with you in arms, some members stopped him though, assuring him that they would be able to get you. He stopped, a decision he would soon regret.

They chased the Deputy for hours before they came back, telling the Father that they had failed to save you, that the Deputy had gone without a trace.

Joseph dismissed and told them to keep searching, wanting to be alone within the church. He cried to himself, angered that he had not been at you, for not keeping you safe.

He composed himself, help my himself that he had no time for tears, and needed to save you from the Deputies grasp, hoping he wasn't already to late.

He brought his siblings together to help, Jacobs hunters would track the Deputy on foot, Johns men would search from the sky, and Faiths men would bring angels for extra backup.

Joseph had every flock member he could searching for you, but weeks had gone by, still no trace of you or the Deputy. It was as if the Deputy disappeared completely. Joseph feared the worst, that the Deputy had killed you in spite, but he was determined to find you alive.

He was on his last string of hope, when a small group of the search party rushed to him, telling him that they had seen the Deputy head a bunker, and they still had some people watching over it.

He had them take him to where the bunker was located, he stayed outside while they entered. They're were a few gunshots and yelling, he desperately wanted to enter, wanted to confront the Deputy, he needed to know if you were still alive. Two flock members stayed with him, to ensure his safety, and assuring him that they would be able to handle the Deputy.

When one of the chosen stepped out, informing Joseph that the Deputy was contained, and the that you were in there, his heart almost skipped a beat. You were still alive! After weeks of searching, you would finally be safe.

He entered, the chosen leading him to you. He could hear the Deputy yelling at another chosen, yelling at them to get away from something.

He entered the room you were being kept in, he was you tied up on the floor. He nearly cried when he saw you. He got by your side, you were currently unconscious, and untied your arms and legs with help from a chosen. He held you there for a minute, taking in your features, checking over and over again that it was really you.

The Deputy was telling at him, he ignored them, they weren't important right now. A chosen helped him get you to the car waiting outside, the Deputy still yelling at him. They didn't matter, they could be dealt with later.

After you were taken out safely, the Deputy was taken in a second car. Both cars headed to the compound.

Once you got there you were taken inside Josephs home within the compound. Joseph would've been at you side, but he needed to deal with the deputy. The Deputy was taken inside the church, where Joseph sibling were. They had heard of the news, and headed down as soon as they could.

Joseph entered the church, trying to suppress his wrath, and was met with the guilty eyes of the Deputy, his siblings already surrounding them. They were kneeling on the floor, trying to avoid eye contact.

Joseph asked how siblings to give him a moment, which they did, they would be waiting outside for him. They were tied to one of the pews, unable to move. He walked up to him slowly, and crouched to his level.

" Why did you take her? "

Joseph asked, referring to you. He refused to make eye contact with Joseph. Joseph grabbed his chin and forced him to look. He was about to ask again, but the Deputy stopped him.

"Because you don't deserve her. She to precious to be in this sick cult."

Joseph processed his words, he nodded, and left the left the church. He took Jacob aside, and told him to kill the Deputy. Jacob did as he was told, finally getting rid of the Deputy.

Joseph sent to be with you, he needed to be with you right now. He walked carefully as to not to disturb you. He sat next to you to you on your shared bed. Pushing some hair out of your face, he smiled to himself. You were finally home safe.


I'm finally back!

This came out a bit later than I thought it would, so I'm sorry about the wait. I'll hopefully be able to get Jacobs chapter out by Tuesday.

Anyways, have a good day!

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