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You fall, and the Seeds catch you.

This was a request by ellesstories_17

Joseph Seed

You and Joseph were taking a walk, talking about how your days went. You were rambling about a cute dog you had seen earlier in the day, when you tripped on your own feet. Joseph immediately went to catch you, but ended up falling under you. You immediately got up and started apologizing to him. "It's alright love, just be more careful." You helped him up, apologized again, and continued on your walk.

Jacob Seed

You had decided to climb a tree while outside with Jacob. He told you not to, saying that you would fall, trying to convince you to do something else. Oh, but noooo! You just had to climb that tree. The minute you stepped on the wrong branch you fell. Luckily, Jacob was under you and had caught you successfully. "I told you that you would fall." You thanked him for catching you, while you scoped out another tree that you could climb.

John Seed

John was downstairs relaxing on the couch, when he saw you coming down the stairs. He decided to meet you at the bottom of the stairs. You noticed John, smiled at him, and was about to greet him. Until you trip on the stairs, and fell on top of John. You kept apologizing as you got off of him, and started helping him up. "Don't be sorry sweetheart, you're not as heavy as you look." You immediately dropped him back on the floor.

Faith Seed

Faith was helping you clean up around the house. You were dusting some shelves while up on a small latter. (I'm not sure what there called. I'm just gonna call it a small latter.) She wiping down the wall next to you, when you had finished dusting. You tried to step down, but missed completely. Faith saw you falling, and tried to break your fall. You steadied yourself before thanking her for not letting you fall. "It's fine I'm just glad you're alright!" She hugged you, to which you hugged back.

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