You're a Mermaid/Man

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You're a mermaid/Man, your tail turns into legs when you go onto land, and you show them for the first time.

Joseph Seed

He was a bit confused when you asked him to go to the lake with you because you needed to show him something. You asked him to turn around, which he did. When he turned back to you, part of your tail was out of the water. At first he was speechless, then he was absolutely fascinated. He asked many questions, wanting to know everything he could. You were happy with how he took it, he still loved you. He started took you to the lake more often, and he loved watching you swim.

Jacob Seed

It came as a surprise to both of you- Jacob insisted you go fishing with him, which you agreed to go. You thought, 'Hey, he'll just be fishing, I'll stay on land and stay dry!'. Everything was going fine, until Jacob decided the two of you just needed to go for a swim. He snuck up behind you, picked you up, and jumped into the lake. Out of pure panic did you change. When he got back up, and you were still underwater, he panicked. He went back under to find you. Oh he found you, connected to a fish tail. It took a bit of explaining.

John Seed

You had been going for swims without telling John. He got suspicious, and demanded to know what you were doing. You shook him off, you weren't sure if you were ready to tell him. He persisted to demand, so you broke. You brought him down to the river behind his ranch. When he questioned you, you told him to shut up and watch. Yea he shut up. It took a lot of explaining, and he apologized for being demanding.

Faith Seed

Faith loves nature and nature induced activities, so of course she had asked you to go swimming with her. When you said you'd go down lake with her, but you wouldn't swim. That made her start wondering if maybe you were afraid of water. When you got to the lake and questioned if you were. That's when you decided it was time to tell her. You told her you weren't, and brought her to the water with you. When you did she was amazed, she said it made sense because she thought you were magical.

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