Faith's Love - Faith Seed

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Faith's final part to 'The Deputys Love'


Faith didn't know immediately, she was at home while you where on your daily walk. She did get a bit worried when an hour had passed, you would have usually been home by then. She went to look for you, following the path you had taken for your walk.

There were still footprints in the dirt, she recognized your boots tracks. She came across a second set of tracks that came out of the bushes, she didn't recognize them. She continued following the tracks at a more hasty speed, getting anxious and wanting to find you. She followed them until she was the tracks change, it looked like the mystery tracks had attacked you.

Faith panicked. She feared for your life, so she called some backup, telling them her coordinates.

When they arrived they tried to assure Faith that they would find you. They search as much as they could, but they couldn't find any trace of you. It was like you had disappeared.

While they kept searching, Faith talked to Jacob and got a few hunters and judges to help in the search.

Faith ones she wouldn't be much help tracking you down, so she continued her work in the bliss. She asked anyone she could it they had seen you at all, she brought new people to the bliss to see if they knew anything.

It had been days without any luck, but finally someone came through. A man who had been near the prison admitted to seeing you with the Deputy. They told her that the Deputy had you bound, and that Tracey refused to take you inside.

Faith was so happy to hear some news about you, even if it wasn't much. She gathered everyone who was looking for you, and told them to look for the Deputy. She told them not to interact with them, just follow them until they lead them to you.

She waited, praying for you everyday you were gone. It didn't take long for them to find the Deputy, all they had to do now was wait and follow.

Faith was informed the moment they knew where you were, they said that you were safe and the Deputy was secured.

Faith got there as fast as she could, needing to see you. She walked carefully up to the house you were being kept in. A chosen talked to her, informing her that you were in the upstairs room. She hurried to you, not wanting to wait any longer. You were sitting against the wall of the room you were in, one of Faith's men telling you that she would be there soon.

When your eyes met you both were already in tears. The flock member left you two alone. Faith sat next to you, and the two of you just held each other. She could've eat there with you forever, but she wanted to get you home.

She stood you up, and walked you downstairs. She told a chosen to take the Deputy to Joseph, so he could decide what should be done with them. She took you outside the horrid house, and took you home, where you would safe.


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