Joseph Doesn't Agree

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Reader is in a relationship with the Seeds, and Joseph doesn't like you with his sibling.

Joseph's preference isn't going to be in this one.

Jacob Seed

Joseph didn't like because he felt as if you were making Jacob 'softer' in a way. He believed that you were getting Jacob to go easier on his men, making them less strong, and not as able to protect Edens Gate. You had tried to befriend Joseph, but he didn't seem to have much interest in you. Joseph was smart, he knew better than to try and get in the middle of you two, and end up farther from Jacob as a result. He stayed out of your relationship, and kept his distance from you.

John Seed

Joseph felt as if you were just a lustful interest of Johns. He wanted his younger brother to be as sin free as he could, but saw you as a distraction from that. You tried talking to Joseph, but he turned you down. He believed you were straying John from the righteous path. Joseph confronted John many times about you, but John defended you every time. Joseph wanted the best for his brother, and in his eyes that wasn't you; so he tried many times to get John to leave you.

Faith Seed

Joseph believed that you were trying to stray Faith away from the bliss. He thought you were part of the resistance, you were trying to get Faith to stop bliss production; and were trying to get her to turn on Edens Gate. Faith and you tried talking to him, but he simply believed you weren't good. Joseph wanted you separated from Faith, and he would have his way.

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