Date Night

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The Seeds and Your date nights!

This was a request by cherrymotels

Joseph Seed

Joseph loved having date nights with you. He was a simple man, the two of you stayed home and had a nice dinner. Joseph made dinner, he wanted tonight to be special for you. You did usually help in the kitchen, but tonight was your night off. Joseph did the cooking, you set the table, and date night was on a roll. The two of you ate dinner, and afterwards Joseph brought you to the couch to cuddle. "Did you like dinner, love?" You turned and kissed his cheek, "Dinner was wonderful, Joseph."

Jacob Seed

Jacob didn't like 'date nights' per say, but he did like the excuse to have a good night with you. Jacob loved being outside, and being with you is a bonus. He took you hiking, the trail he took you up went to a nice lake. The hike up as very nice, and when you got there it was almost sunset. Jacob sat by the lake with you in his lap. You watched the sunset, and after you watched the stars. Jacob made sure to pack an extra jacket for you, knowing that you would get cold. "This is very beautiful, Jacob." He missed your forehead. " Almost as beautiful as you, Pup. "

John Seed (This is so cheesy I'm now lactose intolerant.)

John loved date nights with you! Any excuse to spoil you, John loved. He always made sure to make you feel special. John got an expensive bottle of wine, two glasses, a comfy rug, and a warm fireplace. John made sure his men wouldn't bother the two of you, so you had the entire place to yourself. The two of you drank your wine, enough to just get a bit tipsy, and went to the bedroom to share your love. "You're such a beautiful woman/man, (Y/n)." You shoved John into the bedroom. "Be quiet John, and lay down."

Faith Seed

Faith loves spending time with you in general, you calling it a date was a bonus. Faith loves finding new places in nature, and then bringing you there for date night. She had found the perfect place! A giant flower field with a small pond in the middle. You covered your eyes as she led you to the pond. She told you to sit down and uncover your eyes. When you, did you were amazed by what you saw. There was a fairly large pond, surrounded by beautiful flowers. "Isn't it beautiful!" You nodded, " Its amazing Faith. "

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