Bliss Bullet

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Reader gets shot with a bliss bullet, and passes out for a few days.

Joseph Seed

Joseph was scared. He didn't know how long it would take you to wake up, or even if you'd wake up. He went to Jacob for help, because he worked with the bliss bullets. He told Joseph that you should be up in a couple of days. That didn't stop his worries, he sat with you the whole three days you were out. If he absolutely couldn't be by you side, he'd have one of his siblings with you.

When you woke up Joseph was overjoyed. He held you as if he would let go and you would be gone. You were still kind of our of it when you woke up, the bliss still in effect, but you knew one thing for damn sure. You were hungry.

Jacob Seed

Jacob was worried, but he deals with bliss bullets on a daily. He still stayed by your side the entire four days you were out, and if he wasn't with you Faith was. He knew that You would wake, but there was still a fear in the back of his mind saying you wouldn't. Of course Jacob would be somewhat mad at himself for not being there When it happened.

When you woke up he was gentle with you, lightly rubbing your back, kissing your forehead, and making sure you were okay. You asked him what was going on, he told you about the bliss bullet. You nodded and snuggled back up in your blanket, and fell back to sleep.

John Seed

John would be the most worried out of his siblings. He doesn't deal with the bliss side of things, and doesn't know exactly how it works. Faith and Jacob reassured him that you would be okay, that it would just take a couple days to wake up. It was only two days, but for John it felt like for ever.

When you woke up, John just held you and cried. He kept asking if you were okay, if you needed anything, while he was still holding you. When you finally got him to let go, he asked you if you needed anything. You laid back down and said 'Five more minutes.'

Faith Seed

Faith tried to remain calm. She was worried about you, she wanted to help you, but there wasn't much she could do. She stayed next to your side, the whole three days you were asleep. She didn't sleep much, wanting to make sure you were okay. She knew you'd be okay, but she just wanted to make sure.

When you woke up, she was so happy! You held each other, you weren't sure what was going on, but you held onto her as tight as she was holding onto you. She asked you if you needed anything, made sure you were okay, and got you some food.

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