Your Ex Confronts You

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Here is part two, your abusive ex tries to confront you. Hope you enjoy!

Joseph Seed

Joseph had to stay a bit later after a sermon, you didn't mind. This happened often so you were used to it. Most everyone else had already left, so it was just the two of you. Joseph was still in the church, while you had gone outside.

While you were outside you were approached by your ex, they were abusive, so you had left them. "Thought I'd find you here." You looked up at them, immediately recognizing them. "Go away, I don't want to see you." They shook they're head, "Listen, I know I was an ass, but I'm here for another chance." You backed up slightly, uneasy about their presence. "I don't want to see you, I've found someone better, and I'm happy." You backed up more, hoping Joseph was almost done.

Joseph finished up, and went outside to find you. What he found made him furious, you backed up in a corner, looking scared. He immediately got inbetween the two of you. "Who are you, and what are you doing exactly?" He asked firmly. Your ex scoffed, "I could ask you the same thing." The last few members that stayed behind noticed your ex threatening The Father, and surrounded you three. Your ex soon realized how outnumbered they were, and left.

"Are you alright love?" You nodded, still a bit uneasy. "I'll be alright, can we go home?" He nodded, grabbed your hand and left.

Jacob Seed

Jacob knew about you ex, you had told him about them. He was pissed thinking anyone would treat you like that. He was finishing up the last bit of paperwork he had for that day, "Hey pup. Go get the car started, I'll be out in a minute." He's handed you the keys, you nodded and smiled at him.

While you were walking out you noticed a face all to familiar to you. You kept your head down hoping they wouldn't notice you, but of course they saw you. "Long time no see babe." They had that smirk you hated on. "Leave me be. I don't want to see you." You tried saying firmly, but came out as a whisper. "C'mon, I heard you have a new someone. I wanted to see what the punk looked like, thinking he can have my baby."

At this point you weren't scared anymore. Why? Jacob was maybe a foot or so behind them, and holy shit he was pissed. Your ex noticed you were looking behind them, so they turned around. Immediately noticing the height difference. "Get in the car, pup. I'll be back in a minute."

You got in the passengers side, while Jacob dragged them off, most likely to the cages. It took a few minutes for him to get back, when he did he didn't say anything. "Thank you, Jacob." You leaned up and kissed him, which he happily excepted.

John Seed

John had his fair share of bad days, today being one of them. He just wanted to curl up in bed with you. He knew that You should've been home by now, so he went looking for you. He went to question some members nearby if they had seen you.

You had just gotten back to the ranch from visiting Faith. You hadn't noticed your ex, until they grabbed your arm. You turned around, "Long time no see babes." Oh that made you sick. You tried to pull away from them, "C'mon talk to me! I heard you got a new boyfriend." They said that in mocking manner. You saw John in the distance talking to a few members, so you did the first thing that came. You screamed as loud as your lungs could handle.

John of course heard, so did the other members. The members got there first, restraining your ex. John got to you and pulled you away from them, asking so many questions, "Are you alright? Did they hurt you? Who are they? I'll kill them for that!" and other things like that. You just hugged him, not wanting to talk, so you just stood there, holding each other.

John ordered the members to take your ex up to his bunker. They were going to go through one help of a confessional. (And of course not make it out alive.)

Faith Seed

Faith loves you, and you loved her. The two of you decided to go on a bit of a date. She had told you that she found a beautiful clearing in a near by forest. When you got there, you recognized it. It was a place you used to visit with your ex, but you didn't say anything. You saw how happy Faith was so that was enough for you.

It was getting late, so the two of you decided to go back home. "(Y/n)?" You heard someone call for you, you recognized that voice. You both turned around, Faith smiled, "Hello, can we help you?" Your ex smiled, and walked closer to you. You got in front of Faith, not wanting her to get hurt. "Oh c'mon (y/n)! You still have hurt feelings?"

Faith could tell you were getting uneasy, so she stepped in the middle of you two. "Listen, I don't know who are, but could you please leave us be." She said, more stating than asking. Before your ex could say anymore, she grabbed your arm and hurried back to the main road, and got back home.

She comforted you, and warned other members about your ex, giving them a full description of what they looked like.

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