Something You Do

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Something you do that the Seeds love.

Joseph Seed

Joseph loves how into a book you can get. He can walk into a room while your reading, and you won't even notice that he even entered the room. He admires your liking for literature. He will often take advantage of it, by reading to you, while your curled up in his chest. You enjoy reading with Joseph, you know he likes reading with you as well, and is a great way for you to spend your time.

Jacob Seed

When Jacob works a long day and comes home late, he'll find asleep on the couch. He hates it and loves it at the same time, he knows that you do it on purpose. When you're asleep on the couch, he has to wake you up to get you to bed, so you do it so that you can see him before you fall asleep again. He thinks you shouldn't wait for him, but likes getting a goodnight kiss from you.

John Seed

John likes how cuddly you are, you always are holding him in someway. Whether you are holding close to his arm while you walk, or snuggling into his side while your sitting together. He likes holding you, as much as you like cuddling him. He's never had anyone that he cared so much for, or had anyone that cares for him just as much.

Faith Seed

Faith loves how into a conversation you can get. Whether your talking about something your passionate about, or someone else is talking, you are very active in the conversation. She loves just watching you ramble about your favorite show, or something that happened in the day. She could watch you for hours, you sometimes catch yourself when rambling and apologize, and she will giggle at your cute behavior.

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