Back Massage

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Giving and receiving back massages with the Seeds.

Joseph Seed

Receiving: Joseph likes giving you massages, he likes knowing he can comfort you. Whether you're stressed, sad, or your back just aches, he'll sit behind you and rub you back as you talk about what's bothering you.

Giving: He gets very stressed with the project, writing his sermons, and keeping up with his flock. He never asks, so you have to offer, but he's always willing to receive. It's a great stress reliever for him.

Jacob Seed

Receiving: Jacob understands the human body, he knows how to give a good massage. You don't need to ask, he can tell when you're stressed, or need some comfort. You'll lay on your belly while he's on top of you rubbing your back.

Giving: He piles himself in work, always protecting his family, training soldiers, and doing paperwork. He gets stressed, but he is good at hiding it. You have to offer and convince him to let you give him one.

John Seed

Receiving: John likes physical activities, sometimes he'll rub your back just for the sake of touching you. However he can tell when you need some comfort, he can read you like a book. You'll lay on you belly, while he's on top of you.

Giving: John would probably be the only one to ask. Sometimes you'll stop him during work if you can see he's getting stressed, and rub his back and let him talk. He will ask you, if he has had a long day and has an aching back, which you are more than happy to oblige.

Faith Seed

Receiving: She can tell when you need one. You help her out with a lot of the paperwork for the bliss. She knows it can get stressful, and wants to comfort you. You sit with her behind you, while she runs your back.

Giving: You love giving her back rubs, and she loves receiving! She can get caught up in attracting people to the bliss, monitoring the bliss, and the angels, so she usually needs a good back rub.

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