Stress Reliever

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How the reader helps relieve stress for the Seeds.

Warning: One of them is slightly NSFW! (It's Johns, but the others are okay.) If you are uncomfortable with this, skip Johns chapter.

Joseph Seed

Joseph has stressful day often, when he comes home late from a sermon or tending to his flock. He just loves sitting with his head in your lap, while you either read to him silently, or just talk to him about his day.

Jacob Seed

What day is not stressful for Jacob? Dealing with the militia, judges, soldiers, and his brothers. He loves coming home to you and just sitting on the couch, you either at his side or in his lap, while he vents about his day.

John Seed

John has stressful days now and then, dealing with confessions, and Falls End. It's John, he loves coming home to after a stressful day and taking it out on you in bed. If you know what I mean.

Faith Seed

It's kind of rare for Faith to have a stressful day, but it does happen. Whether it's a mishap with angels, or a bliss batch gone wrong. When it does happen she loves cuddling with you, and talking about her day.

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