Winning a fight

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The Seeds watch as the reader win a fight with someone else.

This was requested by ellesstories_17

Faith isn't in this one

Joseph Seed

It happened at his compound. A resistance member decided to sneak in, and see what went down in there. They snuck through the trees, hoping to not be caught.

You just happened to be wandering just around the trees, close enough Joseph could still see you. You just happened to run into this resistance member. They immediately tried to push you to the ground, but Joseph was and ran to you with some others. By the time they got to you, you already had the resistance member on the ground.

Joseph was glad you knew how to protect yourself, and a bit impressed on how you reacted so quickly.

Jacob Seed

It happened at the veterans center. Sparring was a usual thing there, you usually didnt take part in it. One of Jacobs younger women soldiers wanted to spar with you. Jacob was rather interested I seeing how you would do, and decided to watch.

Some other soldiers watched, making sure no foul play happened. Jacob stood far enough to look as he if he was uninterested, but close enough to still see you. She made the first attack, but you easily took her down. The two of you shook hands and parted ways.

Jacob was proud that you won, knowing that he had taught you. Later on that day he took you back to his office to congratulate you himself.

John Seed

It happened at his ranch. You were just walking around the, you were near the garage. When you noticed the door was open. Assuming John was in there, you went in to see him.

It just so happened to be some resistance member trying to steal a plane. They noticed you before you noticed them, to which have them the upper hand, but oh boy were your self defense lessons about to pay off. John was notified of the noise from the garage, and went with some members close behind. He walked in just as you had pinned the resistance member to the ground.

John was utterly impressed with how you could fight, but he would try and make sure that you wouldn't be put in that situation again.

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