You're Given a Child

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Someone left a baby by Joseph's church, and he wants you to look after them.

In an earlier chapter I mentioned that I would make an adoption preference, I thought about it a bit and thought this was a better idea.

Joseph Seed

Joseph had found the child at the front of the church. He asked around, wondering if anyone had seen who had brought them here, but with no luck he returned home with the child. When you saw him with the bundle in his arms you looked at the two of them, before realizing it was a baby. "I found them by the church, no one claimed them, so I was hoping we could care for them until we find their parents." You saw that look in his eye, he hoped that you and him could keep them. You knew about his past, how he had almost had a family. You agreed to help him with them.

Two Weeks Later

After two weeks, no one had came to claim the baby. Joseph and you had come to love them. You became very attached to them, and Joseph too. Joseph loved how motherly you after with them, and how you were so quick to bond with them.

Jacob Seed

Joseph had come to Jacob and you when he found a baby by the church. He wanted Jacob and you to look after them while their birth parents were being looked for. Jacob took you into another room to talk. "Pup, I'm not sure if we should do this. I'm not great with kids, and I don't want to leave just you attending to a baby." You talked with him a bit more, easing him into the idea of looking after them. He agreed to take them in, as long as you were sure you could handle them.

Two Weeks Later

Jacob got used to their presence, and did a great job at helping take care of them. Joseph did keep in contact with you, informing you that he hadn't found their parents yet. Jacob loved how protective you were with them, and how you were so daring for them.

John Seed

Joseph came to John and you because he wasn't sure if Jacob or Faith could do it. He wanted John and you to look after them while they looked for the parents. John was very reluctant to agree. You took him in another room to talk. "I just don't know sweetheart. I'm not a family type guy, and what it they got inbetween you and me." You quickly assured John that they wouldn't get inbetween you and him, and after that he agreed to give them a chance.

Two Weeks Later

John had become very fatherly to them, and was quite glad when Joseph informed you two that they hadn't found their parents. John loved how you took care of them, it reminded him how much better you were than most parents are.

Faith Seed

Joseph came to Faith and you because he trusted that you would look after them. When Joseph explained where he had found them and that they were looking for their parents, Faith and you didn't really need to talk it over, you both wanted to help with this baby. You talked to Joseph for a bit before he left, "Now remember, if you two need any help at all, you can call me anytime you need." 

Two Weeks Later

Faith and you had become very attached to the baby. Both of you bonded with them whenever given the chance. Faith loves how you were so gentle with them. It reminded her how perfect you are.

(Quick Question)

While I was writing this, I was thinking about a part two. Maybe where the birth parents of the baby come back for them.

Would anyone be interested in reading that?

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