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The Seeds wake up to an empty bed, and find the reader on the couch after a nightmare.

I think I'll make a part two to this, where the Seeds have a nightmare.

Joseph Seed

When Joseph found your side of the bed empty, he got a bit worried. He calmed himself down, assuring himself that you just needed some water, or you needed to use the bathroom. He decided to check on you anyway, just in case.

Joseph heard some light crying, coming from the living room. He recognized it was you, and hurried to you. When he saw you crying he sat next to you, and held you close to him while comforting you. "What's wrong, love?" You snuggled into while telling him about your nightmare. He sat with you on the couch for almost an hour more, before leading you back to the bedroom for the rest of the night.

Jacob Seed

When he woke up to an empty bed, he decided to look for you before panicking. He knew you had to be somewhere, and it would just be silly to panic.

Jacob found you on the couch holding your knees to your chest, tears still rolling down your cheeks. Jacob knew what it was like having nightmares, he knew it could be scary. He walked up to you carefully, and started rubbing your shoulders. "It's okay, Pup. I'm here. Tell me what's wrong." You laid your head on his shoulder while you told him about your nightmare. The two of you ended up spending most the night talking and comforting each other.

John Seed

When John found your side empty, he panicked. He wanted to know where you were, and it you were okay. He tried to assure himself that you were fine, the ranch had members guarding it at all times, so you had to be fine. He was still very worried so he wanted to still check on you.

John immediately calmed when he saw you sitting on the couch, but the second h noticed your tears he rushed to your side. "Are you hurt? What's happened? Is-" You pulled him into a hug that stopped his talking. He understood, you just needed him at your side. He let you talk of you wanted, but you ended up just falling asleep on the couch with him.

Faith Seed

Faith wasn't worried when she found your side empty. She knew you were either in the bathroom or in the kitchen, but she decided to check on you anyway.

Faith smiled to herself when she saw you on the couch, but it faltered when she heard your whimpers and held back sobs. She walked in front of you and one else so she could look you in the eye. "What's wrong, Angel?" She said as she put a hand on your cheek. You talked to her about your nightmare as much as you could stand, before she made some tea to calm you down, and bring you back to bed.

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