Jacob's Love - Jacob Seed

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Jacob's finale part to 'The Deputys Love'


No one had even noticed your disappearance at first. Jacob had only noticed when the day was near ending, he was looking around for you and beginning to get worried, you would never just leave the veterans center, and if you did you would tell him. He ordered some soldiers to take their judges and look for you.

It took a few days to even find a trade of you, but a small dried puddle of blood was found. It was near the large pond outside the veterans center. Jacob knew it was yours, you would sit by the pond almost every day, and it was the last place you were seen.

Jacob gathered his strongest chosen soldiers, he told them to track the scent with their judges. He suspected the Deputy took you, as they were the only one stupid enough to even come near the veterans center, but he told his men to keep an eye out for anyone.

Jacob wanted to get to you as quick as he could, but he knew whoever took you could already be days away. So, while his men started their hunt, he called John, telling him to keep a look out for you or the Deputy.

He grabbed two of his strongest Judges, and set out on his own. Jacob was smart, whoever took you would be expecting a search party, they wouldn't be expecting him to track them on his own.

Jacob had been searching for a few hours, it had slowly became dusk. The sun was setting, and he would have no luck searching in the dark. He hadn't gotten any news from his men, he had decided he should camp out for the night. He was about to start a small campfire, when something caught his eye, and the judges attention.

The cracking of branches. It was subtle, but it was just enough to catch his attention. He silenced the judges, making them follow silently. He was careful with each step, as to not cause a sound. He followed the footsteps until they stopped. He silently went on, until a small cabin came into view.

Jacob was smarter than to just barge in with out a plan, or even knowing who lived their, so he hid in the trees waiting for something to exit the cabin.

It could've been hours of waiting, at least that's how long Jacob felt it was taking. Until something finale happened. A loud crash came from within the cabin, and a loud curse following after. The front door opened and slammed shut, to reveal a bloody handed Deputy. He stormed angrily down the dirt road, which probably lead to the main road.

Jacob took this as a chance to get inside. He had the judges stay outside hidden, while he snuck into the house. He searched around swiftly and silently, making sure there was no one else in there.

He entered the finale room of the cabin, the bedroom. He heard whimpers and hushed cries coming from within the room. He carefully opened the door, as to not alert whoever was in there. He spotted glass shares scattered around the floor, explaining the crash from earlier.

That's when his eyes landed on you. He watched you for a minute, the tears still wet on your face. He carefully walked towards you, whispering your name to make his presence known. You stared up at him, in almost disbelief. The tears streamed down your face as he untied you.

He was almost done undoing the ties on your arms, when he heard the front door slam open then shut again. He told you to stay silent, and that he would get you out of there. He quietly got into the closet, waiting to ambush the damned Deputy.

The Deputy entered the bedroom, angrily mumbling to himself. Jacob gripped his knife tighter every inch he got closer to you. As the Deputy faced you, Jacob snuck out of the closet.

Jacob lunged at the Deputy, not wanting you to suffer any longer. He plunged his knife into the Deputies throat without a second thought. He made sure that they were dead before his attention was back on you.

He untied your arms and your legs before kissing your temple. He held you for a minute, he wanted to take you back home.

He radioed one of the chosen, telling them his coordinates, and telling them to hurry. They got there rather quick, and he told them to get somebody else up here to dispose of the body.

Jacob took you to his office as soon as you were returned to the veterans center. He let you get comfortable before he left to get you something to eat.


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