Puppys and Kittens

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Seed brings home a puppy or kitty for the reader.

Sorry about the last two chapters being so sad. Here's an happy one!

Joseph Seed

Joseph knew he wasn't home all the time, and that you got lonely. You never said anything, because you knew the project was important and he needed to tend to his flock. When he found a small kitten abandoned next to the church, he knew you'd love it. He was right, you absolutely adored it! When he walked though the door with it in his arms, you lit up! You thank him over and over again, and acted as if it was you're own child.

Jacob Seed

Jacob didn't like the fact that you were home alone most of the time, so he decided to bring you home a judge puppy.  He had been planning it for awhile, he had been training. He knew you'd love it, you talked a lot about your childhood pets, and wanting to get another. When he walked in with the pup, you went right over to it and picked it up, asking Jacob what it was doing here. When he told you it was yours, you kept thanking him, and kissing and hugging the pup.

John Seed

John didn't want a pet. A cat would scratch everything up, and a dog would Lee on everything. Well that's what John thought at least. He's didn't actually find the puppy, it more found you two. John and you were about to leave the house, when you heard scratching at the door. You found a puppy! You had to practically hey John to keep it. It's not like he could say no, so of course he said yes. A decision he wouldn't regret.

Faith Seed

Faith was on walk enjoying herself, when she had heard something strange. She walked around trying to find where it was coming from. She found a small basket with three kittens in it. She couldn't just leave those little angels there. When took them to your shared home, she got the kittens some food. She brought you to the kitchen, showing you the kittens. You could see the look on her eyes, you said yes.

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