Younger Sibling

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You're the Seeds younger sibling, and don't agree with what a certain sibling is doing.

Joseph Seed

When Joseph had found you, you were excited to have your family back. That's probably part of the reason you stayed with them. You didn't agree with what the cult did, or if Joseph even talked to God. He was still your brother, so you never brought it up to him. He did know that you didn't like what he was doing. He talked to you a few times, trying to convince you otherwise, but with no avail. He was grateful you stayed with your family, but prayed you would find the righteous path.

Jacob Seed

Jacob was your oldest brother, you had always looked up to him, even as a child. You knew what went on at the veterans center, so you stayed away as much as you could. When you did visit, Jacob kept you away from the cages. He knew how you felt about his job. You never brought it up, so he never talked about it. You couldn't handle all the people in the cages begging for either freedom or death, it reminded you of your childhood.

John Seed

John and you were the closest, being closest in age. You loved seeing John, but couldn't bring yourself to visit him that much. He would either talk about the power of yes but, or one of his confessions. John was absolutely clueless about how you felt, he just thought you were to busy to visit. You couldn't break it to him how you felt. He was so passionate about what he did, and fully believed he was doing the right thing, so you left it at that.

Faith Seed (In this one your Faiths biological younger sibling, so your not related to the other Seeds.)

You and Faith have always been close, through her rough times and your rough times, you stuck it out together. She wanted so bad for you to join her, but you just couldn't. You didn't like what she was doing to people, it sickened you that she thought she was doing what was right. She didn't know exactly how you felt, all she thought is that you didn't believe in what Joseph preached. She tried to convince you otherwise, but she couldn't get through to you. You did stay close with her, but tried to keep the cult out of conversation.

Far Cry 5 Preferences and One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora