Dream After Death

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The Seeds have a dream about you after your death. (Death was in the last chapter)

Joseph Seed

He dreamt of the first time you had stayed up with him to write a sermon. The dream was so clear to him, there wasn't much talking between the two of you, you just sat with him while he wrote his sermon. It was one of his favorite memory of you. Joseph woke feeling reassured, that even though you weren't with him now, you were watching over him.

Jacob Seed

He dreamt of the first time he took you fishing. He remembered teaching you everything about fishing, and how you were listening so intently. He remembered when you caught your first fish, you were so proud of yourself. Jacob woke feeling a mix of emotions. Anger and sadness. He was still angry at himself for not protecting you, and sad that you were gone forever.

John Seed

He dreamt of the first time he took you out on his plane. He remembered how you were nervous, but said that you trusted him, so you were willing to do it. He felt so much pride in that moment. He would do anything to relive that moment again. When John woke up he was basically in tears. He hated how he hadn't cherished you as much as he should've, and wished he could go back.

Faith Seed

She dreamt of when you had fallen asleep in a flower field. You had looked so peaceful at the time. She remembered tangling flowers in your hair as you slept, when she had to wake you up to go home and the smile on your face when she woke you. Faith woke up feeling peace. The dream reminded her that she would be reunited again someday, after her own death, and that she would keeping pushing on, because that's what you would've wanted.

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