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Hoshi's POV

We're on our way to come get you guys.

"If he doesn't want to say anything, stop talking to him. We're probably stressing him out." Seungkwan whispered into my ear, and I crossed my arms in front of my chest. Boo and I had somehow convinced Appa to let us come with him to pick up the China hyungs and Dk, but the rest had to stay home.

We could have sat anywhere in the van, anywhere at all. We've never sat in the back, that would have been fun to try. But sitting in the very front in our usual seats gave us a sense of "we're going to get there faster."

"You two stay here while I go get them." Appa stated while taking off his seatbelt and opening the door. I had kinda wanted to see what the inside of a police station looked like, but I guess that wasn't happening. Seungkwan and I sat in silence, but after almost an hour we knew something was wrong.

"Okay, Appa should have been out by now." I said, and Seungkwan nodded. I was starting to get annoyed because of how long it was taking, and I hate sitting still.

"I vote we go inside and check everything out." Seungkwan suggested and I turned around in my seat to face him.

"Appa said to stay here."

"Appa also said before we left the house that this wouldn't take long." Seungkwan countered, and I sighed.

"Okay, but we have to be quiet and try not to draw too much attention to ourselves." I said, and Seungkwan scoffed.

"Have you met me?" I gave him a glare, and he sighed.

"Okay, okay. Let's just go." He said and I climbed across the van to get to the door and open it. We were probably going to get in trouble for disobeying Appa, but it might just let off some pressure on the China hyungs and Dk.

We walked in silently, but it wasn't like we were trying to not be seen. Nobody seemed to notice us since they were all working away, and Appa and our brothers were no where in sight.

Let's just find them.

I shrugged at Seungkwan and we both made our way through the office. I saw something in the corner of my eye, and I grabbed Seungkwan's hand so he would stop walking. I motioned next to me, and Seungkwan gasped excitedly. Through the glass window we could see Minghao hyung sitting at a metal table with his hands cuffed behind his back.

Kwannie immediately started waving and jumping around a bit to try and get his attention, but eventually I made him stop.

"I think it's a one way mirror, he can't see us." I whispered, and Seungkwan frowned before walking over a bit and trying to open the door. I sighed since it should be locked, but as I heard Seungkwan trying to open it, Minghao hyung jumped in the room.

Stop, you're freaking him out.

I was just making sure it was locked.

Seungkwan returned next to me, and we both just looked at Minghao hyung for a few minutes. He looked so stressed out, and it hurt.

"Are you two supposed to be here?" A lady asked from behind us, and we whipped around in shock. I didn't quite know what she was going to do, but she was in uniform and I didn't want to get in any sort of trouble.

"We're just trying to find our Appa and our brothers, but we only found one of them." Seungkwan said politely and he motioned behind him towards Minghao hyung.

"In that case, do you want to talk to him for a bit? I don't even know why we are keeping him here, but the chief is very strict about getting all the facts lined up." The lady ranted a bit, and Seungkwan and I quickly nodded. Of course we would want to see our hyung.

She walked towards the door and unlocked it for us before saying we only had five minutes. The two of us filed in, and Minghao hyung instantly seemed relieved.

"What's going on, hyung?" I asked, and the closer I got the more I noticed how beat up he looked. The cut on his eyebrow, the dried blood around his mouth and the blooming bruise around his left eye. And that was only what I could see.

"I was trying to help someone, but now they think I'm involved. I can't go home until they have the video footage from a nearby store." He stated, and Seungkwan scoffed.

"That's garbage. We know you wouldn't do anything wrong." Seungkwan said, and Minghao hyung shrugged.

"I'm glad someone believes me." Without hesitation, I ran the few steps forward and full on hugged me hyung. He groaned, but I wasn't about to let go any time soon.

"I love you, Hosh, but I got sucker punched in the gut and everything hurts right now." Hyung said with a laugh, and I reluctantly let go of him.

"Sorry." I mumbled, and Seungkwan frowned.

"Does this mean I don't get a hug?" He asked, and Minghao hyung debated it mentally, much to Kwannie's dismay.

"Yeah, okay. Gently!" Minghao hyung commanded playfully, and Seungkwan actually followed his directions. I could see Minghao hyung flinch a bit, but I noticed his gaze was past us. I turned around and Seungkwan pulled away from the hug to see the lady from before.

"Come on, I'll help you find your Appa." She said, and I could tell that negotiating wouldn't do anything for us. I turned back to Minghao hyung and smiled.

"Hang in there, hyung!" I said as cheerfully as possible while looking at his beat up face, and he managed a painful smile in return.

"Don't forget us." Seungkwan teased before the lady started to get impatient and we had to go.

"I already saw them while you two were chatting, and I don't think they've left yet." She said, and we turned a couple corners before seeing the three of them. We thanked the lady with a bow and she left to go do her job.

The closer we got to our family, the more concerned we got. Appa seemed pretty upset while talking to someone in uniform. Dk seemed to be shaking and just completely out of it. While Jun hyung acted as though this was normal routine. I'm not sure which part concerned me the most.

"Oh hey!" Jun hyung said with a wave when he noticed us, and Appa looked a bit confused.

"I thought- nevermind. Can I at least see him?" Appa asked the police officer, but the man shook his head.

"We cannot allow that. We'll try and get this finished up quickly, Mr. Choi." Seungkwan and I shared a nervous glance since that's where we just came from, but Appa sighed.

"Have a good day, Sir." Appa muttered, and he hung his head while we walked out behind him. I tried to put my arm around Dk's shoulders while he trudged his feet, but he flinched away from me.

Oh I know these next few days will be fun.

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