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Seungcheol's POV

"Mr. Choi, congratulations on your release from the hospital. We just have a few things to talk to you about regarding Jeonghan." I nodded for him to go on since I didn't care if my kids heard. They would know anyways and it wasn't like they really needed to step out of the room. Three of them were with Jeonghan now anyways.

"Schizophrenia is genetic, as you probably know. The chance of any of your kids having it is rare, but you wouldn't know until they reach early adulthood. After a psychological evaluation of your son, we have diagnosed him as a high functioning schizophrenic. This means he's able to function in society and maintain a normal life, but will occasionally have episodes of auditory and visual hallucinations. Which from what he explained to us is what happened the whole morning before he got hit." I waited for the doctor to continue, but he seemed to be waiting for me to ask a question.

"From what happened with his Mother I don't think he would ever take any antipsychotics, but are there any other options that can help him cope?" This wasn't too much of a surprise to me. I knew there were possibilities of this happening, but I had kind of figured he was schizophrenic  when the boys said he seemed real strange.

"We can recommend him to some specialized therapists, but that's all we would do with his young age." I nodded and the doctor excused himself from the room. I was all ready to go from the hospital, so the only thing left was to just grab Jeonghan who had also been dismissed to leave. Finally.

"Are you boys ready to go?" Jihoon, Samuel and Chan nodded, all seemingly unfazed by the news they just heard.

"I don't want you to treat him differently, okay? He's still your hyung even if he needs a reality check." The three of them nodded again, and I got confused. They all had the same chill emotion on their face and it made them seem even more like brothers.

"We didn't plan on treating him differently, Appa. But we do really want to go home." Sam said, and I smiled as I gingerly lifted myself off of the bed. I was still extremely sore and kind of broken, but it felt good to be going home.

The four of us met up with the others in the hallway and we all walked into the elevator since we weren't on the ground floor. I liked how the atmosphere just felt better with all of us going home as opposed to the weight that used to be almost hanging over my children these past few days.

"Minseo and Mark, don't you dare take home my grandkids until I make cupcakes with them. Which reminds me, on the way home some one needs to go buy the mix and frosting along with sprinkles because someone ate them." I glared playfully at the youngest there, but they held up their hands in defense.

"Is that what you were doing when you got attacked?" Hoshi asked in disbelief, and I nodded like it was a normal thing to do.

"Don't worry, Appa, we won't. Though I'm sure the boys would love to have to not take care of them anymore. Sorry about that." The boys just shrugged with smiles on their faces.

"It was fun to play with them a whole bunch. But they definitely miss you guys." Jeonghan added, and I put an arm around him. Half to keep myself up and half just to hold him close. I don't remember when he and Hoshi got the same height as me. I thought they would have been little for longer.

"It'll be good to be home, that's for sure."

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