Meggy Vs. Bob

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Another day arrives in the Mushroom Kingdom. Meggy wakes up.

Meggy: *Yaaaawn* Good morning, Mario!

Mario: *Snoring*

Meggy: Seriously? It's 11:30 A.M.! How is he still sleeping?

Meggy goes into the kitchen and gets out a plate of spaghetti.

Meggy: *Whistles*

Mario comes dashing in.


Meggy: Come get it! *throws the spaghetti on the table*

Mario: *throws himself on the table, and eats the spaghetti*

Meggy: Finally, you're awake.

Mario: Hey, a man needs his sleep!

Meggy: *Giggle*

Meggy goes to her room, and finds an anime movie about girls with tentacle hair.

Meggy: *gets angry* GRR! How many times do I have to tell him, I DON'T LIKE ANIME?!

Mario: You okay, Meggy?

Meggy: I'll be back. I have an asshole to take care of.

Meggy goes to the castle with the movie in her hand.

Meggy: *Enters the castle, very angry* BOB!!

Bob: Oh. HeY tHeRe, MeGgY! dId YoU eNjOy ThAt MoViE i GaVe To YoU?

Meggy throws the movie at Bob.

Bob: Oh, JeSuS! mY bAlLs!

Meggy: How many times do I have to tell you, I DON'T LIKE ANIME?!?!

Bob: *Gets up* WhAt Do YoU mEaN yOu DoN't LiKe AnImE? AnImE iS aWeSoMe! YoU jUsT dOn'T wAnT tO aDmIt It!

Meggy: *launches Bob with a punch*

Bob: Ow, My OvArIeS!

Meggy: Do NOT test me, Bob!!

Bob: *gets angry* YoU fOkInG wOt, M8? I doN't ThInK yOu WaNt To GeT iNtO a FiGhT wItH mE!

Meggy: I'm not afraid of you, dumbass!

Bob: AlRiGhT! yOu AsKeD fOr It!

Meggy and Bob get ready to fight each other, as everyone comes out of their rooms.

Fishy Boopkins: Bob?!

Bob: NoT nOw, BoOpKiNs! I hAvE aNiMe To DeFeNd!

Mario comes into the castle.

Mario: Meggy?!

Meggy: Not now, Mario! I have a piece of garbage to take care of!

Bob: PrEpArE tO gEt YoUr SqUiD aSs KiCkEd!

Bob charges at Meggy, and slashes at her a few times with his sword arms, then launches her, making her hit the wall*

Meggy: *Inkling noise of pain*

Bob: TaKe ThAt, B*TcH!

Meggy gets up, and gets out her Splattershot, and aims it at Bob.

Bob: Do YoUr WoRsT!

Meggy fires the Splattershot at Bob, but he starts deflecting the ink with his sword arms.

Bob: CoMe On! Is ThIs AlL yOu GoT? tAlK aBoUt PaThEtIc!

Meggy stops firing her Splattershot and growls. She then turns into her Squid Form and does a Super Jump over Bob.

Bob: DaFuQ?

Meggy lands behind Bob, and turns back to Human Form. She then points her Splsttershot at his head.

Bob: Oh, Sh*t!

Meggy: Hasta la vista...WOOMY!

Bob: Oh, CrA--

Meggy pulls the trigger, and Bob goes flying into a wall.

Bob: Ow, CrAp!

Meggy goes to Bob, and grabs him in a chokehold, with a murderous look in her eye. Meggy punches Bob a few times then throws him to the other side of the main lobby.

Bob: *Gets up with ease* It'S gOnNa TaKe MoRe ThAn ThAt To DeFeAt Me, B*TcH!

Bob charges at Meggy again, and slashes his sword arms at her, then kicks her towards the wall.

Meggy: *Hits the wall, and yelps in pain*

Bob: FoR tHe "MoSt BaDaSs ChArAcTeR", yOu'Re PrEtTy WeAk!

Meggy gets up, and looks angrier than ever, and gets out her mini Splattling, and fires rapid ink shots at Bob. Bob tries to deflect the rapid ink shots with his sword arms, but gets overwhelmed and gets hit repeatedly.

Bob: Ow! JeSuS! oW! mY bAlLs! Ow! My OvArIeS! aH, cRaP!

Meggy then fires a giant ink shot, which launches Bob through the wall and into the empty castle moat.

Bob: JeSuS cHrIsT, mY aSs!

Meggy jumps down into the moat, and grabs Bob, then throws him away.

Bob: Ow, My OvArIeS!

Maeggy grabs Bob again.

Meggy: You had enough yet?!

Bob: *Pause* HeLl No!

Bob kicks Meggy away, and she at the other side of the empty moat.

Meggy: *Inkling noise*

Bob: YoU cAn NeVeR dEfEaT mE! i Am ThE sExIeSt MaN aLiVe!

Meggy gets a Smash Ball out of her pocket, and absorbs it, making the sky darken a little and a rainbow aura covers Meggy.

Bob: ThE hElL iS tHiS bUlLsH*T?

Meggy activates her Final Smash, and gets out the Killer Wail, and blasts Bob with TONS of ink, and launches him high in the sky.

Bob: Sh**********T!

Bob hits the ground.

Bob: Ow, My AsS!

The Killer Wail had weakened Bob, and Meggy approaches him.

Bob: *cough, cough* YoU wIn. I cAn'T fIgHt In ThIs StAtE. *cough*

Meggy: Never give me anime again!

Meggy throws Bob back inside the castle.

Bob: Ow CrAp! My BaLlS!

Fishy Boopkins: Bob!

Bob: I'm AlRiGhT, bOoPkInS. i JuSt NeEd To ReSt FoR a FeW hOuRs.

Meggy comes back in the castle.

Meggy: Mario. Let's go home.

Mario: Okie dokie!

Mario and Meggy go back home.

(Damn! Meggy really kicked Bob's ass! That should teach him not to mess with her! Meggy cannot be stopped! That should also make Bob stop giving her anime movies. Anyways, see you later!)

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