Horrible Flashback

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This is a quick summary of what happened in Turco's past... And it's dark... Literally...

I have explained this backstory to people like CristinaPerez682, Infinitetheedge, and SplendidSuperman122.

But I feel like this is a story everyone should know, so here's what happened...

Turlandb: Agh...!

Infinite: Bro? You okay?

Turlandb: Ugh... Just another horrible flashback...

Infinite: The Titans?

Turlandb: No... The day Dark Star killed my parents...

Infinite: O-oh...

Turlandb explains everything...


It's 3:00 A.M. in one of the Universes Dark Star is in...

Dark Star: Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe!

Star Children run and fly in from every direction around Dark Star and try to fight him off, but the evil Star easily knocks them back and kills them.

Dark Star: Give up, Star Children! You won't win this battle!

Star Children: NEVER!!!

The Star Children keep fighting... But in a big house in the distance, the ruckus made a male and a female wake up in panic.

Male: Oh, no...! He's here!

Female: D-Dark Star...!

Male: We need to get our son out of here!

The couple runs into a different room, where a six month old baby boy is crying.

Female: Turlandb!

The female starts to carry Baby Turlandb.

Baby Turlandb: *Crying*

Male: We'll get you someplace safe, son! Let's go!

The couple runs out into the backyard. The male starts to summon a Grand Star, when Dark Star appears in front of them.

Dark Star: Where do you think YOU'RE going?!

Female: AH!

Male: *Anger* Dark Star!

Baby Turlandb: *Crying*

Dark Star sees Baby Turlandb and senses godlike energy within him.

Dark Star: *Thoughts: That baby... I sense godlike power within him... I must get rid of him!*

Dark Star summons a Grand Ztar.

Male: HEY!

Dark Star: That baby! I cannot allow him to live!

Female: *Gasp*

Male: OH HELL NO YOU DON'T! Let's get out of here!

The couple starts to run off with Baby Turlandb.

Dark Star: OH NO YOU DON'T!

Dark Star releases a wave of Ztar Energy and hits the couple.

Male: GAH!

Female: AGH!

Baby Turlandb gets sent flying through the air. A Grand Star catches the baby.

Male: Grand Star! Go! Save our son! Get out of here!

The Grand Star glows and flies off into the sky at the speed of light with Baby Turlandb.

Female: Turlandb...

Dark Star: *TRIGGERED*

Dark Star grabs the couple.

Male: Ack...!

Female: Eep...!

Dark Star: Well, if I can't kill the baby... Then I'll turn him into an orphan!

Male: *Gasp*

Female: No...!

Dark Star: Time to destroy your souls!

Dark Star grabs their souls and starts destroying them, as the couple screams.

Female: GAH!!!

Male: ARGH!!! You may have gotten us... But our son will grow up... And he will have a family of his own...! He will keep the Star Children alive...! HE WILL MAKE SURE THE ZTARS ARE GONE FOREVER!

Dark Star: ... *Unamused face*

The couple screams one last time, as Dark Star destroys their souls. The couple explodes into blood and intestines.

Dark Star: Yes... That baby is now an orphan... Now it won't matter how strong he becomes... He has no family... And because if this... He will fear me, along with the miserable Star Children! ZTARS WILL RULE THE MULTIVERSE! *Laughs evilly*

At the Star Shrine, the Grand Star lands on the ground with Baby Turlandb still crying. Elder Star and Mamar Star immediately take the baby.

Elder Star: Let's put him with the other Star Spirits! We need to keep him safe!

Mamar Star: I'll go do that!

Mamar Star takes Baby Turlandb and takes him all the way to the throne room, where the other Star Spirits are.

Muskular Star: You got him?

Mamar Star: Got him!

Mamar Star puts Baby Turlandb in a huge comfy bed.

Baby Turlandb: *Purrs*

The Star Rod glows brightly.

Klevar Star: The Star Rod Is eady to go! Let's get rid of that traitorous Dark Star!

Mamar Star: You guys go. I'm staying here with the baby.

The other Star Spirits nod and disappear with the Star Rod. Mamar Star looks down at Baby Turlandb, who had fallen asleep.

Baby Turlandb: Zzz...

Mamar Star: Don't worry, Turlandb... The Star Spirits and the Star Children got this... And me and the other Star Spirits will take care of you... Star God...

Baby Turlandb glows faintly.

Flashback end.

Infinite: Wow... That's a strong-ass memory... You remember all of this...?

Turlandb: Yep... I still remember it like it happened an hour ago...

Infinite: So the Star Spirits raised you?

Turlandb: Yep... After they got rid of Dark Star with the Star Rod, the Star Spirits started to raise me. When I turned a year old, that's when my training started. I trained HARD.

Infinite: Nice.

Turlandb: When I was five years old, that's when I left the Star Shrine to live on my own and defend the Universe I was sent to.

Infinite: I see...

Turlandb nods.

And there you have it.

Anyways, see you later!

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