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Kylie: *Phone rings* ?

Laura: Oooh, Ersai calling you?

Kylie: ...Yeah, I gotta take this. Excuse me for a moment, bestie.

Laura: Not a problem, bestie.

Kylie walks in an alleyway.

Kylie: Let's see what he wants now... *Answers the call* Yes, my Lord?

Dark Star: Anybody suspected anything yet, my student?

Kylie: No, my Lord. Everyone still thinks the darkness was purged out of me.

Dark Star: Okay. I have some good news for you.

Kylie: Go on...

Dark Star: Your father is here. He wants to speak with you.

Kylie: *Eyes widen* Oh! Alright, I'll be right over. Lemme finish something up with Laura over here.

Dark Star: Take all the time you need. We're patient.

Kylie: Thank you, my Lord. *Hangs up, then walks back out*

Laura: How was the call?

Kylie: Ersai said he had a gift for me when I get home. :3

Laura: Ooooooh! :3

Kylie: *Giggles*

Laura: Ready to continue our day?

Kylie: Yep!

Laura: Alrighty! ^^

Kylie: ^^


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