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Name: SCP-7001

Object Class: Unknown

Description: SCP-7001 appears as a normal yellow Inkling with supposed Ice Goddess powers

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Description: SCP-7001 appears as a normal yellow Inkling with supposed Ice Goddess powers. It's skin is EXTREMELY cold, so physical contact with SCP-7001 shall NOT be made at anytime. Should someone touch SCP-7001, they will freeze in place inside an ice statue. SCP-7001 is to be contained in a locked room with temperatures of -5000°F or lower, and should not ever be let out at any time. Testing requires subject to wear a special radiation suit to protect them from these harsh temperatures. No security cameras shall be in SCP-7001's containment room, as SCP-7001 will just destroy it seconds after the personnel leaves. SCP-7001 is normally pretty docile, but it will become aggressive if its containment room is not cold enough as it demands. SCP-7001 will enter a state of sadness if it doesn't see SCP-9001 for more than twenty-four hours. This sadness is reported be sounds of crying in SCP-7001's containment room. If more than forty-eight hours goes by without SCP-7001 seeing SCP-9001, it will go into its state of aggression and will attempt to breach containment.

Breach Action: If SCP-7001 breaches Containment, it must be brought back into its containment room within ten minutes and without hurting it in any way, shape, or form, and without SCP-9001 noticing. So much as accidentally scratching SCP-7001 will trigger SCP-9001's aggression no matter where it's at, as these two SCPs are rumored to be dating. If SCP-7001 isn't returned to its containment room after seven minutes of breach, it will use its ice powers to freeze the entire facility and escape out to the open world with SCP-9001.

Other info: SCP-9001 seems to be the only SCP unaffected by the harsh temperatures in SCP-7001's containment room, as it can still walk around in there like nothing is affecting it. SCP-9001 has been reported to attempting to help SCP-7001 breach containment, so a sharp eye must be watched if SCP-9001 goes into SCP-7001's containment room. SCP-9001 also seems to be the only SCP to come into physical contact with SCP-7001 without anything bad happening to it.

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