Multiversal High School

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HUGE thanks to InfiniteLeJackal for helping me write this chapter out. Anyways, an AU where the Multiversal Heroes are in high school. Memes and laughs are in store. Enjoy!

Meanwhile, in and alternate universe...

School Bell: FAKING RING RING RING! Hey, it's school, biiiiiiiiiiiiiitch!

New girl: *Thoughts: What a weird bell...*

The new girl walks into the building. She had just moved to this school, the Multiversal High School, just over the weekend. Her name is Generous, and she's feeling pretty nervous.

Generous: *Thoughts: Oof... I hope I can make a good first impression...*

The blue Inkling looks around.

Student 1: *Retarded gibberish*

Student 2/3/4: *Retarded laughter*

Generous: *Thoughts: I'm already weirded out...*

Female student: Hello, there!

Generous: *Homer Simpson scream*

Female student: Hehe, sorry.

Generous looks at the student in front of her, the student being a yellow Inkling.

Jen: Hello! My name's Jen!

Generous: H-Hi... I-I'm Generous...

Jen: Nice to meet you, Generous! I've been asked by the principal to meet you when you arrived.

Generous: Ah, you're that yellow Inkling I was told would first me...

Jen: Yep!

Generous: Who IS this principal? He didn't sound like a normal person over the phone, according to my mother...

Jen: Uhhh... Well...

Honey Badger: *Crashes through the principal's door* READY FOR A CRAZY ADVENTURE, BITCHES?!

Generous: O_o

Jen: That's our principal...

Someone else came forward, this being a light-blue wolf.

Crystal: Oh?

Generous: O-oh!

Jen: Oh! That's Crystal!

Crystal: Hey there, new gal. What's your name?

Generous: *Nervous* I-I'm Generous...

Crystal: Nice to meet you! New here in town or something?

Generous: *Nods* I just moved here over the weekend...

Crystal: Ah, I see. Well, let's get you comfortable around this place!

Generous: *Nods* I need to know my way around...

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