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Turlandb: *Glitching* Agh! Ugh...!

Jen: Honey...? You okay...?

Turlandb: *Glitching* N-no...! There's something plaguing my mind...!

Jen: Do you need me to look in there?

Turlandb: *Glitching* Yes...!

Jen: Alright...

Jen puts her hand on her husband's head and enters his mind.

Jen: I'm in...

Turlandb's mind is not normal... It's an empty black void...

Jen: Uh oh... This doesn't look good... It's empty...

Jen suddenly feels something... Something evil... EXTREMELY evil...

Jen: W-what the...?

???: Get... Out...

Jen: Huh?! Who's there?!

???: Leave... Before you get hurt...

Jen looks up, finding three giant pairs of glowing red eyes staring back at her.

Jen: O___O

???: Leave...

Jen: W-who are you?!

???: ...You don't recognize me? Perhaps this will jog your memory.

The being glows... It's a massive Wither.

Jen: N-NO...!!! I-IT CAN'T BE...!!!

Witherzilla: I am Witherzilla, God of the Titans, and the Grand God of Balance!


Witherzilla: My power is returning, and with it, I will use him to kill off his whole family one by one!

Jen: Oh no, you fucking don't!!!

Witherzilla: Once you and the rest of his family are dead, his anger, sadness, pain, and anguish will allow to take FULL possession of him, and I will eliminate half of all life in the Multiverse!


Witherzilla: Enjoy these moments, Jen, cause they will be your last.

Witherzilla laughs and pushes Jen out of Turlandb's head.

Jen: OOF!

Turlandb: WHOA!

Jen: H-honey...!!! I-It's bad...!!!

Turlandb: Huh?! What do you mean?! What's in my mind?!

Jen: I-It's W-Witherzilla...!!!

Turlandb: NANI?!?!?!

Jen: He's gonna use you to kill us off...!!!

Turlandb: ...That will not happen! Witherzilla will NOT take full possession of me!

Turlandb hugs Jen tight. Jen hugs him back tight.

Turlandb: No matter what... I will NEVER put your life in danger...

Jen: Okay...

Turlandb: *Thoughts: Witherzilla... You are making a MASSIVE mistake... I've defeated you once, and I'll defeat you again!*

Witherzilla: *You are certainly welcome to try, Star God. But you will fail. Your family will die, and I will pick up where I left off!*

Turlandb: *Thoughts: You have a fucking deathwish!*

Witherzilla: *Hahahahahahahahahahaha!*


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