Infinite Gets Stuck On An Island

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This is a parody of Mario Gets Stuck On An Island by SMG4. In this parody, Mario and Infinite swap roles. His waifu will be joining him. With that, let's...


Infinite: ... *Opens his eyes* Hmm...?

Crystal: *Opens her eyes* Huh...?

The canine couple gets up.

Infinite: *Derpface* Ahh, that was a good nap! I wonder what happened while we were asleep?

Crystal: *Derpface* I had a wet dream about you.

Infinite: *JonTron voice* WHAT?!

Crystal: *Giggle*

The camera pans over to an airplane laying on the ground on fire.

Crystal: Ohhhhhhhhhh...

Infinite: Oh yeah, that's right!

Le flashback five minutes earlier...

Infinite and Crystal peek inside the cockpit of the plane.

Infinite: >:(

Crystal: >:(


Crystal: WE'RE HUNGRY!

Pilot: *Throws Infinite off* *PewDiePie voice* I DON'T CARE! *Sniper voice* Piss off, big head!

Infinite: Oooooooh! Crystal... Do it!

The wolf grabs the pilot and throws him out the window.

Pilot: *Squidward screaming*

Infinite: Yeah! Ought that be a lesson to you! Dipsh*t!

Crystal: Let's go sit back down.

The couple goes back to their seats, where all the passengers are panicking as the plane takes a nosedive towards an island.

Le flashback end.

Infinite: That was a lot of fun!

Crystal: We should totally do that again!

Infinite: But how are we gonna get home?

Crystal: Teleporting?

Infinite: *Derpface* ...Nah, that's too easy.

Crystal: Oh, I see...

The couple walks to a pile of items and starts pulling random stuff out.

Infinite: Oh, yeah!

Crystal: There's gotta be stuff in here!

Infinite: *Pulls out a walkie talkie* *Engineer voice* Nope! *Throws it away*

Crystal: *Pulls out a map* *Engineer voice* Nope! *Throws it away*

Infinite: *Pulls out a large raft* *Engineer voice* Nope! *Throws it away*

Crystal: *Pulls out a gun* *Engineer voice* Nope! *Throws it away*

Infinite: Damn it! This stuff is useless!

The stuff they very easily could've used gets set on fire.

Crystal: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Well, this ocean isn't gonna stop us!

Infinite: Damn right! *Slaps Crystal's ass*

Crystal: O///O

Infinite: Let's do this thing!

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